Global project licence
Use a global project licence to simplify the export of military goods and technology classed as collaborative defence projects.
A global project licence (GPL), issued by the Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU), permits the export of military goods and technologies to partners in a multi-nation framework agreement (FA).
When to use a GPL
You can use a GPL for military projects involving governments or other industrial collaborations. It covers the export or transfer of a range of controlled goods, technology or software by both physical and electronic means.
GPLs are different from an open individual export licence (OIEL) in that they:
- allow the export of more sensitive military items, including finished products
- are usually valid for the entire length of a particular project
It is a criminal offence to export controlled goods without the correct licence. Check information on penalties which vary depending on the nature of the offence.
Framework agreement partner states
The 6 partner states are:
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Spain
- Sweden
- UK
Each partner state is responsible for issuing its own GPLs.
Using a GPL to export to countries outside an FA
You can get a GPL to export military goods and technologies (including finished products) to countries other than the partner states. This requires a consensus agreement between each of the partner states involved.
Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. They are based on the destination country proposed, and take into account:
- the national export control policies for each of the FA partner states
- the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports
- any other international obligations or commitments for each of the FA partner states
Applying for a GPL
Apply for a GPL using SPIRE, the online export licensing system (requires an account).
Read further guidance on how to use SPIRE to apply for an export licence for controlled goods, software and technology.
How licences are assessed
We assess all licence applications on a case-by-case basis against the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria, known as the Consolidated Criteria. The Consolidated Criteria provide a thorough risk assessment framework. We will not grant a licence when it is inconsistent with the Consolidated Criteria. Applications for countries subject to sanctions or embargoes are also considered under the UK sanctions regimes.
In reaching a decision on an application, the Department for International Trade receives advice from several departments, including the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.
Licence processing time
We aim to provide a decision on GPL applications within 60 working days. These targets apply once the applicant has supplied the documentation necessary to begin the assessment of their application. Where further information is requested by ECJU, your time to provide that information is not counted against the targets.
Processing licences for sanctioned or highly sensitive destinations is likely to take significantly longer than the standard target. Log in to Strategic Export Controls: Reports and Statistics to view current licence processing timescales by destination.
Processing delays can occur if an exporter:
- fails to provide a technical specification or undertaking
- submits an incorrect or incomplete undertaking
Terms and conditions
You must read and follow the terms and conditions of your licence. You must maintain records of all transactions carried out under your licence.
Export licences are not transferable to another exporter.
Only ECJU can amend, suspend or revoke a licence.
You must check whether you need to declare goods you take out of the UK.
Customs declarations when exporting outside the UK
GPL conditions require the licensee to submit a customs declaration before exporting to destinations outside the UK, except if you are exporting from Northern Ireland to the EU customs territory.
This declaration must quote the export licence number.
You must also give the licence number to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) officials when items are presented for export, or make alternative arrangements with HMRC officials.
Exporting from Northern Ireland to the EU customs territory
No customs declaration is required before exporting.
However, conditions of the SIEL require that you:
- notify HMRC officials by emailing, or the relevant email address for large business customers, at least 3 days before the proposed date of export
- specify a place for HMRC goods inspection
- include the licence with shipping documents when the items are exported
ECJU has a statutory right to inspect export records to ensure the correct use of licences. Our compliance officers visit companies holding export licences. They ensure licence conditions are met in compliance with export control legislation.
See our compliance code of practice and find out more about compliance visits.
Penalties and fines
Breaching export controls is a criminal offence. Penalties can vary depending on the nature of the offence.
They include:
- revocation of licences
- seizure of goods
- issuing of a compound penalty fine
- imprisonment for up to 10 years
If you receive a compliance warning letter you must comply with any conditions stated in the letter within the timescales provided, or your licence may be revoked. Serious cases of breaches or non-compliance may be prosecuted by HMRC.
See how to report any licensing irregularities to HMRC voluntarily.
Contact ECJU
General queries about strategic export licensing
Export Control Joint Unit
Department for Business and Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place
Telephone 020 7215 4594
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Updates to this page
Refreshed version with new sections on: when to use a GPL; framework agreement partner states; using a GPL to export to countries outside a framework agreement; applying for a GPL; how licences are assessed; licence processing time; terms and conditions; customs declarations when exporting outside the UK; compliance; penalties and fines.
First published.