Tools and checklists
Tools to help schools and responsible bodies manage their school buildings and land.
Benefits of strategic estate management (PDF, 687KB)
Self assessment tool (XLSX, 101KB)
A guide to strategic estate documents (PDF, 872KB)
Good estate governance (DOCX, 871KB)
Top 10 estates checks for boards (PDF, 634KB)
The information you need to know about your estate (ODT, 871KB)
Introduction to condition surveys (PDF, 610KB)
How to begin estate performance management and benchmarking (DOCX, 907KB)
Tips to reduce energy and water use in schools (PDF, 610KB)
Assess and manage flood risk in schools checklist
How to prioritise maintenance (PDF, 671KB)
Maintenance risk based tool (XLSX, 195KB)
Compliance tracker (XLSX, 104KB)
Estate projects checklist (DOCX, 871KB)