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Updates: Good estate management for schools


24 February 2025 published amendments

Tools and checklists

Added 'Assess and manage flood risk in schools: checklist'.

Sustainability of your estate

Updated the 'Water' section of 'Sustainability of your estate' with a link to 'Assess and manage flood risk in schools: checklist'.

Health and safety

Updated the 'Water' section of 'Health and safety' with a link to 'Assess and manage flood risk in schools: checklist'.


31 October 2024 published amendments

Fundamentals of good estate management

Updated to reflect changes to sections.

Strategic estate management

Updated to simplify language and reduce urls.

Planning and organising your estate resources

Updated to simplify language and reduce urls.

Understanding and managing your land and buildings

Updated to simplify language and reduce urls.

Sustainability of your estate

New section added.

Digital technology in your estate

New section added.

Maintaining your estate

Updated to simplify language and reduce urls.

Health and safety

Updated to simplify language and reduce urls.

Managing your estate projects

Updated to simplify language and reduce urls.

25 April 2024 published amendments

Understanding and managing your land and buildings

Added reference to new managing older buildings guidance and updated RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) guidance.

Health and safety

Added information about RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) and reference to new managing older buildings guidance in the section 'Building structure and fabric'.


19 June 2023 published amendments

Estate management competency framework

Amended the estate management competency framework PDF to include a missing section.

8 June 2023 published amendments

Estate management competency framework

'Estate management competency framework' section added.

Tools and checklists

Added a link to the estate management competency framework.

Good estate management for schools (GEMS) - what's new

'Good estate management for schools (GEMS) - what's new' removed as this is now out of date.


1 April 2022 published amendments

Health and safety

Added new information about ventilation in section on Building services – heating, ventilation and water.

Tools and checklists

Top tips to reduce energy and water use in schools updated.


14 October 2020 published amendments

Good estate management for schools (GEMS) - what's new

New section added.

Fundamentals of good estate management

Minor updates based on feedback from users.

Strategic estate management

Minor updates based on feedback from users.

Planning and organising your estate resources

New section added.

Understanding and managing your land and buildings

We have clarified some of the content in the understanding tenure and land ownership section.

Performance management and sustainability

New section added.

Maintaining your estate

Minor updates based on feedback from users.

Health and safety

We have updated this section to include more information on responsibilities, and updated guidance and links from the Health and Safety Executive.

Managing your estate projects

Minor updates to the content based on feedback from users.

Tools and checklists

New section added.


28 March 2019 published amendments

Estate projects

Added sections 'Complete preliminary activities', 'Have the right skills in place' and 'Effective project planning' alongside other minor amends.


24 July 2018 published amendments

The fundamentals of good estate management

Amended the front page to improve the user journey and updated the subsection names to make it clear what they will help you do.

30 May 2018 published amendments

Energy and water management

Update made to the 'Importance of energy and water managment'

25 April 2018 published amendments

Who should read this manual

New section added.


New section added.

The fundamentals of good estate management

New section added.

Strategic estate management

New section added.

Overseeing the estate

New section added.

Health and safety

New section added.

Maintaining the estate

New section added.

Understanding land and buildings

New section added.

Energy and water management

New section added.

Estate projects

New section added.

Information, training and tools

New section added.