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9. Staff management

Guidance for managers of driving examiners who carry out ADI qualifying tests and checks.

9.01. Introduction

The ADI Manager (ADIM) should ensure that examiners conducting ADI work are carrying out their duties in accordance with:

  • this manual
  • the DT1
  • any other relevant instructions

9.02. Supervision of examiners

The maintenance of a uniform standard of testing and assessment as laid down by DVSA is an important part of the ADIM’s duties and is largely achieved by the supervision of actual tests. This should be programmed well in advance.

ADIMs should conduct regular accompanied or supervised tests on all examiners conducting:

  • ADI part 2 tests
  • ADI part 3 tests
  • standards checks
  • ORDIT inspections in their area

This includes visiting examiners from other areas.

ADIMs should accompany examiners as often as necessary to ensure a satisfactory standard of performance. It is important that supervision of actual tests is supplemented by the examination of test documents and analysis of management information.

A quality monitoring form must be completed after all accompanied or supervised tests and signed by the examiner who should then be provided with a copy of the form.

ADIMs should ensure that approved driving instructor examiners (ADIEs) are appraised of their performance in line with DVSA guidelines. Any concerns with performance must be discussed with them.

Officers intending to supervise a test must not do so in cars where a seat belt is not available for their use.

ADIMs should regularly check and update routes used for ADI part 2 tests at the driving test centres in their area. Each driving test centre should use a minimum of 3 routes, including 1 route for signs.

ADIMs should conduct quality control visits at least annually with each ADI staff member and record their findings, looking at accuracy of paperwork completion, use of routes, manoeuvres, profile totalling.

To ensure uniformity in recording quality control checks on ADI tests a standardised procedure should be adopted. The process is a simple way of providing feedback to staff and recording issues that need to be addressed. This also allows senior managers to reliably report on the current accuracy of staff reporting on ADI tests.

ADIMs should scrutinise a set amount of test reports via the DES app once a year and conduct an audit to identify any issues. The report would then be retained with the individual examiners test reports (standards check and ORDIT forms) so any senior manager can inspect as necessary and can be used in any development requirement.