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Updates: Carrying out driving instructor tests and checks: examiner guidance


20 February 2025 published amendments

2. The practical driving test (part 2)

Updated section 2.37. Condition of vehicle - part 2 test.

3. The instructional ability test (part 3)

Updated section 3.04 - Vehicle to be used with information about using taxis or private hire vehicles during the test.

4 February 2025 published amendments

2. The practical driving test (part 2)

Updated section 2.04. Reception and identity checks.


12 March 2024 published amendments

3. The instructional ability test (part 3)

Updated section 3.05 (Duration of the part 3 test) to clarify the pupil should drive for about 40 minutes.

4. The test of continued ability to instruct (standards check)

Updated section 4.5 (Format of the standards check) to clarify the pupil should drive for about 40 minutes.


7 December 2023 published amendments

1. Introductions and objectives

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](

2. The practical driving test (part 2)

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](

3. The instructional ability test (part 3)

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](

4. The test of continued ability to instruct (standards check)

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](

5. Fleet driver training

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](

6. The official register of driving instructor training (ORDIT)

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](

7. Becoming an LGV driving instructor

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](

8. General advice and legal matters

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](

9. Staff management

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](

10. Data Protection Act

Moved this guidance to a new format on [GOV.UK](