
HMRC email updates, videos and webinars for tax agents and advisers

Learn more about the support available to tax agents and advisers which will help you and your clients.

Subscribe to receive email updates

Subscribe to the HMRC help and support email service to get information on a wide range of topics for individuals, businesses, employers and agents.

You can also:

  • make changes to your topic subscriptions
  • unsubscribe from the service whenever you want

Registering and joining webinars

You can register for webinars in advance but we recommend you join each webinar 5 minutes before the start.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Pillar 2 — Scope and UK compliance obligations

Live webinar

Register for the next live webinar about OECD Pillar 2 — scope and UK compliance obligations.

This webinar is aimed at businesses who must comply with the new Pillar 2 rules. It’ll also support external agents or firms that provide advice on Pillar 2 to those businesses.

The webinar covers:

  • the background to Pillar 2 and the UK implementation of Pillar 2   
  • an overview of who is in scope of Pillar 2 
  • UK compliance obligations and important deadlines 
  • a summary of the Transitional Safe Harbour  
  • an overview of HMRC’s support on Pillar 2  
  • details of the Pillar 2 Online service

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax

Live webinar

Register for the next live webinar about Making Tax Digital for Income Tax.

This webinar will help you understand what you or your client will need to do if they are eligible for Making Tax Digital for Income Tax. You will find out about:

  • using HMRC recognised software
  • keeping digital records through the year
  • sending simple quarterly updates to HMRC

Enhancing HMRC’s ability to tackle tax advisers facilitating non-compliance

Live webinar

Register for the next live webinar about enhancing HMRC’s ability to tackle tax advisers facilitating non-compliance.

This webinar introduces our consultation on a proposed suite of measures to enhance HMRC’s ability to tackle tax advisers facilitating non-compliance.

You will find out about:

  • why we are running this consultation
  • how we got to this stage
  • an overview of the proposals
  • how you can get involved
  • the next steps to implementation

Help with common risks in transfer pricing approaches

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about help with common risks in transfer pricing approaches.

This webinar is aimed at UK businesses who must comply with the UK transfer pricing rules. It’ll also support external agents or firms that provide transfer pricing services to those businesses.

The webinar will cover the key points from the Guidelines for Compliance 7 (GfC7), designed to help customers mitigate common, avoidable risks in transfer pricing that HMRC often find. The webinar will include:

  • an introduction to the GfC7 and key areas for using the guidelines
  • managing compliance risk for UK businesses
  • common compliance risks
  • indicators of transfer pricing policy design risk

Tackling criminal activity within the waste industry

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about tackling criminal activity within the waste industry.

This webinar will provide a background into criminal activity and the impact it is having on businesses and the environment.

You will learn about:

  • different rates of Landfill Tax and cross border risks
  • how to protect your business from being exploited to waste crime

Creative industries reliefs and credits

Watch a collection of videos about working within the creative industry to increase awareness and understanding of the tax reliefs available.

Creative industry tax relief and expenditure credits explained.

You will learn about:

  • creative industry tax relief and expenditure credits
  • how to make a claim
  • who can apply

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about the additional information form for creative industries reliefs and credits.

This webinar will explain the new mandatory additional information form for creative industries reliefs and credits.

Capital allowances — full expensing and 50% first year allowances

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about capital allowances — full expensing and 50% first year allowances.

This webinar will provide an overview of full expensing and the 50% first year allowance. It will give an example to show how the rules are applied in practice.

You will learn about:

  • the qualifying conditions
  • the exclusions
  • what happens when you dispose of an asset for which you claimed full expensing or the 50% first year allowance

Compliance Professional Standards

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about Compliance Professional Standards.

This webinar explains how HMRC compliance staff within the Customer Compliance Group (CCG) use the Compliance Professional Standards to do their work. 

You will learn about:

  • the Compliance Professional Standards and how they link to the HMRC Charter
  • why we have published the standards and our continued work in this area

Litigation and Settlement Strategy (LSS)

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about the Litigation and Settlement Strategy.

The webinar gives an overview of how HMRC use the LSS to try and resolve tax disputes through civil law.

You will learn about:

  • the main principles of the LSS
  • how the main principles ensure we treat our customers consistently

Research and Development (R&D)

R&D for tax purposes

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about R&D for tax purposes.

You will learn about:

  • R&D for tax purposes
  • what does and does not qualify for tax relief

R&D — how to claim R&D tax relief

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about R&D — how to claim R&D tax relief.

The webinar explains what you need to do when making a claim for R&D tax relief.

The merged scheme for R&D expenditure credit (RDEC)

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about the merged scheme for RDEC.

You will learn about:

  • the merged scheme
  • contracted out R&D
  • subsidised expenditure
  • additional tax relief for R&D intensive small or medium enterprises (SMEs)

NHS partial exemption

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about NHS partial exemption.

You will learn about:

  • partial exemption and how it works for NHS bodies
  • how to help NHS finance teams understand their responsibilities in relation to partial exemption
  • where to access further help and support

The Trust Registration Service and reporting discrepancies

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about the Trust Registration Service and reporting discrepancies.

You will learn about:

  • what the Trust Registration Service is
  • what a trust, trustee and relevant person is
  • the proof of registration document
  • how to make a report and penalties for not complying

Agent services account — access groups

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about access groups within the agent services account.

You will learn about:

  • your client list and transacting with clients
  • adding team members
  • managing access groups
  • error messages, filters and client references

Penalties for enablers of defeated tax avoidance

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about penalties for enablers of defeated tax avoidance.

This webinar gives an overview of the penalties for enablers of defeated tax avoidance legislation. It is specifically designed to help tax agents understand how this legislation impacts them and under what circumstances they could be liable for a penalty.

Business taxes

Capital allowances and vehicles

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about capital allowances and vehicles.

You will learn about:

  • the annual Self Assessment programme covering the rules for cars
  • qualifying expenditure
  • pools and rates
  • vehicle hire purchase

Super-deduction first-year capital allowance

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about super-deduction first-year capital allowance.

This recording is an overview of the super-deduction capital allowance.

You will find out:

  • what expenditure qualifies
  • what exclusions may apply
  • how to use HMRC’s new online tool to check eligibility
  • how to claim the super-deduction relief

Basis period reform

Watch a video about getting help with basis period reform (moving to the new tax year basis).

Get help with basis period reform (moving to the new tax year basis)

You will find out:

  • the basis period reform changes
  • how customers will need to report moving forward

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about basis period reform ― moving to the tax year basis.

You will learn about:

  • the tax year basis
  • basis period reform transition year
  • overlap relief
  • transition profits

Plastic Packaging Tax

Introduction to Plastic Packaging Tax

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about the introduction of Plastic Packaging Tax.

You will learn about:

  • Plastic Packaging Tax
  • what you need to do if you produce or import plastic packaging

Plastic Packaging Tax — admin and technical aspects

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about Plastic Packaging Tax — admin and technical aspects.

You will learn about the administrative and technical aspects of Plastic Packaging Tax.

Employing people

Risks for agencies and businesses working with umbrella companies operating tax avoidance schemes

Watch a collection of videos about the risks to agencies and businesses using umbrella companies in their supply chain.

Umbrella companies: what are the risks to agencies and businesses?

You will find out about:

  • the risks for agencies and businesses using umbrella companies
  • the warning signs of tax avoidance schemes

Mini umbrella company fraud

Watch a video about the risks of using mini umbrella companies in your supply chain.

What is mini umbrella company fraud?

You will learn about:

  • what mini umbrella company fraud is
  • the risks of using mini umbrella companies
  • the impact of mini umbrella company fraud
  • the signs of mini umbrella company fraud
  • what to do if you suspect supply chain fraud

Supply chain assurance in the security sector

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about supply chain assurance in the security sector.

This webinar is for end-users who outsource their security supply and their agents. You will learn about the risks and potential consequences of failing to assure your labour supply chain.

UK Freeports

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about UK Freeports and the possible benefits of locating in a Freeport customs site.

You will learn about:

  • UK Freeports
  • possible tax and customs benefits for 2 different businesses

Off-payroll working rules from April 2021

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about off-payroll working rules from 2021.

This webinar is designed for:

  • client organisations
  • employment agencies
  • tax agents

It gives an overview of the changes to the off-payroll working rules that came into effect from 6 April 2021.

Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — contracted out services and Statements of Work

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about off-payroll working rules — contracted out services and Statements of Work.

The webinar will give an introduction to the background of the off-payroll working rules. You will also learn about:

  • what a contracted out service is in the context of the off-payroll working rules
  • what a Statement of Work is
  • how a Statement of Work differs from a contract for services
  • due diligence

Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — status determinations and disagreements

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — status determinations and disagreements.

You will be given a brief summary of the off-payroll working changes from April 2021 and learn about:

  • determining employment status and how the Check Employment Status for Tax tool can help you
  • the status determination statement 
  • why you need to have a status disagreement process in place

Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — contractors

Watch a video about how off-payroll working rules affect businesses that engage with contractors from April 2021.

How off-payroll working rules affect businesses that engage with contractors

You will learn about:

  • who the changes affect
  • the rules
  • the check employment status for tax (CEST) tool
  • the status determination statement
  • telling contractors and agencies about your processes

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — contractors.

You will learn about:

  • the changes to the off-payroll working rules which came into effect on 6 April 2021
  • what these changes will mean for you


The statutory residence test

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about the statutory resident test.

This webinar explains the importance of residence and the various tests that form the statutory residence test.

You will learn about:

  • automatic overseas tests
  • automatic UK tests
  • the sufficient ties test
  • what is meant by a day spent in the UK
  • what a home is
  • what UK work and overseas is
  • the records you need to keep to support your decision


Income from property (IFP) 1 — capital expenditure and revenue repairs

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about IFP 1 — capital expenditure and revenue repairs.

This webinar is aimed at individual landlords.

You will learn about:

  • rental business deductions
  • expenses, including capital expenditure
  • allowances
  • reliefs
  • revenue repairs

Income from property (IFP) 2 — finance costs and travel expenses

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about IFP 2 — finance costs and travel expenses.

You will learn about:

  • restricting residential finance costs relief for individual landlords
  • vehicle and business travel expenses for individual landlords

Income from property (IFP) 3 — cash basis and property income allowance

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about IFP 3 — cash basis and property income allowance.

This webinar is aimed at individual landlords.

You will learn about the:

  • cash basis for reporting the profits or losses of a property business, including eligibility and the main computational rules
  • property income allowance, including how the allowance works and when it can and cannot be used

Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT)

Watch a video about when a property is not suitable to use as a dwelling.

Stamp Duty Land Tax: when is a property not suitable for use as a dwelling

You will learn about the limited circumstances when a property is not suitable for use as a dwelling (often referred to as uninhabitable) for SDLT purposes.


VAT on private school fees — when and how to register

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about VAT on private school fees — when and how to register.

You will learn about:

  • if you should register for VAT
  • when you should register for VAT
  • how to register for VAT

VAT on private school fees — what you need to charge and reclaim VAT for

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about VAT on private school fees.

You will learn about:

  • checking if and when you need to register for VAT as an education provider
  • recognising the goods and services you need to charge VAT on and reclaim VAT for

VAT on private school fees — charging and reclaiming VAT

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about VAT on private school fees — charging and reclaiming VAT.

You will learn about:

  • consideration
  • single and multiple supplies
  • input tax and reclaiming VAT

How to apply the VAT reverse charge for construction services

Live webinar

Register for the next live webinar about how to apply the VAT reverse charge for construction services.

The live webinar is only suitable for VAT-registered businesses operating in the construction sector.

The way VAT is accounted for in the construction industry has now changed.

You will find out:

  • when to apply the VAT reverse charge
  • how to show the reverse charge on your invoices
  • how the reverse charge may affect your business
  • how to account for the reverse charge on your VAT return
  • what to do if you make a mistake when applying the reverse charge

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about how to apply the VAT reverse charge for construction services.

An overview of the VAT late submission, late payment penalties and interest changes

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about an overview of the VAT late submission, late payment penalties, and interest changes.

You will learn about HMRC’s VAT penalties and VAT interest changes. These replace the VAT default surcharge for VAT accounting periods starting on or after 1 January 2023.

How to register for VAT using the VAT1 form

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about how to register for VAT using the VAT1 form.

You will learn about:

  • how to register for VAT using the VAT1 form
  • the most common errors when completing the form
  • tips on how to avoid mistakes

Trust or company service providers

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar for trust or company service providers.

The webinar will give an explanation of regulation 12 (2)c. You will also learn about:

  • the types of businesses who may provide a service or services which are covered by regulation 12 (2)c
  • the risks associated with the provision of services covered by regulation 12 (2)c
  • the importance of risk assessments and your obligations when it comes to completing them in writing
  • the provision of a registered office and business address services
  • where you can find more information

Fraud in the labour supply chain

Watch a collection of videos about fraud in the labour supply chain.

Fraud in the labour supply chain.

You will find out:

  • what mini umbrella company fraud is
  • what labour fraud in the construction industry is

Agent toolkits

Use agent toolkits to help you understand how to submit accurate returns to HMRC. They include checklists which you can use to avoid common errors.

HMRC community forums

You can use the online HMRC community forums to ask questions, see what others are asking and get answers.

Agent forum

Recorded webinar

Watch a recorded webinar about using the agent forum.

You will learn about:

  • the purpose of the forum
  • the Issues Overview Group (IOG)
  • how to register
  • how the forum works

Updates to this page

Published 30 November 2017
Last updated 25 March 2025 show all updates
  1. A new live webinar has been added for Making Tax Digital for Income Tax and enhancing HMRC’s ability to tackle tax advisers facilitating non-compliance. The recorded webinar link for R&D — how to claim R&D tax relief has been updated.

  2. A new live webinar 'Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Pillar 2 — Scope and UK compliance obligations' has been added. The live webinar for 'Help with common risks in transfer pricing approaches' has been removed and a recorded webinar has been added.

  3. A collection of videos about creative industry tax relief and expenditure credits has been added. A recorded webinar about Making Tax Digital for VAT has been removed. The link to watch a recorded webinar about R&D for tax purposes has been updated.

  4. A new live webinar Help with common risks in transfer pricing approaches has been added. Live webinar VAT on private school fees — charging and reclaiming VAT live webinar has been removed.

  5. A recorded webinar about VAT on private school fees — charging and reclaiming VAT has been added. A link to watch a video about Stamp Duty Land Tax has been added. The link to watch a recorded webinar about foreign rental income has been removed.

  6. A new live webinar about VAT on private school fees — charging and reclaiming VAT has been added. New recorded webinars about Litigation and Settlement Strategy, super-deduction first-year capital allowance, introduction to Plastic Packaging Tax, Plastic Packaging Tax — admin and technical aspects, UK Freeports, off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — contractors and how to apply the VAT reverse charge for construction services

  7. A link to watch a recorded webinar about off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — contracted out services and Statements of Work has been added. The link to watch a recorded webinar about trust or company service providers has been updated.

  8. The link to the recorded webinar about the Trust Registration Service and reporting discrepancies has been updated and links to 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021' and 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — status determinations and disagreements' recorded webinars have been added.

  9. The link for the live webinar about 'VAT on private school fees — when and how to register' has been removed and replaced with a link to a recorded webinar. A link to a collection of videos about fraud in the labour supply chain has been added.

  10. Recorded webinars on 'How you can help savers avoid scams' and 'Multiple Dwellings Relief for Stamp Duty Land Tax', 'Loan charge compliance and further information', 'Risks for agencies and businesses working with umbrella companies operating tax avoidance schemes', 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021', 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 - contracted out services and statements of work', 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 - contractors' and 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 - status determinations and disagreement' have been removed.

  11. A live webinar for VAT on private school fees — when and how to register has been added. Recorded webinars for VAT on private school fees — what you need to charge and reclaim VAT for, Compliance Professional Standards and basis period reform have been added.

  12. A link to watch a video about how off-payroll working rules affect businesses that engage with contractors from April 2021 has been added.

  13. The link for the live webinar about 'VAT on private school fees' has been removed.

  14. A new recorded webinar for the merged scheme for R&D expenditure credit (RDEC) has been added.

  15. A recorded webinar about VAT on private school fees has been added. The Check Employment Status for Tax tool, Off-payroll working rules 2021 — international matters, Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — engagement, Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — fee-payer responsibilities, The statutory residence test — response to COVID-19 and Using the VAT 484 form to report changes sections have been removed.

  16. Links to live webinars about 'Basis period reform' and 'VAT on private school fees' have been added.

  17. A link to a recorded webinar about tackling criminal activity within the waste industry has been added.

  18. A link for the live webinar about the merged scheme for Research and Development expenditure credit has been added.

  19. The 'What is mini umbrella company fraud?' video has been updated.

  20. A link to a recorded webinar about the additional information form for creative industries reliefs and credits has been added and the live webinar link has been removed. A link to watch a video about mini umbrella company fraud has been added. The sections about notification of uncertain tax treatment by large business, tackling professional money launderers in accountancy, profit diversion compliance facility, and changes to the VAT 652 — Error Correction Notice form have been removed. The links for 10 recorded webinars have been updated.

  21. A new section about the creative industries reliefs and credits mandatory additional form live webinar has been added. The recorded webinars for agent services account — access groups, capital allowances and vehicles, and supply chain assurance in the security sector have been updated.

  22. The link to watch recorded webinars on using the agent forum and about penalties for enablers of defeated tax avoidance have been updated. A new section on 'NHS partial exemption' has been added and the 'Trade losses' section has been removed.

  23. Information has been added to highlight the risks to agencies and businesses who use the services of umbrella companies in their supply chains.

  24. A video about the risks for contractors using umbrella companies has been added. The link to watch a recorded webinar on tackling professional money launderers in accountancy has been updated.

  25. The live webinar links for research and development for tax purposes and how to claim research and development tax relief have been updated. The live webinar link for capital allowance — full expensing and 50% first year allowances has been removed.

  26. Capital allowances – full expensing and 50% first year allowances has been added. Live webinars for Income from property (IFP) have been removed.

  27. Research and development — how to claim research and development tax relief has been added. The live webinar links for capital allowance and vehicles and trade losses have been removed. The live webinar link for how to apply the VAT reverse charge for construction services has been updated.

  28. Recorded webinar links have been updated for research and development for tax purposes, how to apply the VAT reverse charge for construction services and trust or company service providers.

  29. The live webinar for Compliance Professional Standards has been removed. A live webinar about Research and Development for tax purposes, a recorded webinar about Litigation and Settlement Strategy and a new video about basis period form have been added. The recorded webinars for Plastic Packaging Tax, UK Freeports, Making Tax Digital for VAT and foreign rental income have been updated.

  30. A link to a recorded webinar about Compliance Professional Standards has been added. The link for the live webinar about trade losses has been updated. The link for the recorded webinar about super-deduction first-year capital allowance has been updated.

  31. Recorded webinar links have been updated for loan charge compliance and further information, profit diversion compliance facility, notification of uncertain tax treatment by large business, employing people, off-payroll working rules from April 2021, how you can help savers avoid scams and multiple Dwellings Relief for Stamp Duty Land Tax.

  32. Information and link to a live webinar on Compliance Professional Standards has been added. Links to recorded webinars about the statutory residence test and changes to the VAT 652 Error Correction Notice form have been updated.

  33. Link to a live webinar on the statutory residence test has been added. Links to recorded webinars for income from property (IFP) 1, 2 and 3 have been added.

  34. Live webinar information and links have been added for 3 new webinars about income from property. Links to recorded webinars about the statutory residence test, VAT late payments, penalties and interest changes, and how to use a VAT1 form have been updated.

  35. A link to a live webinar about trade losses has been added. The recorded webinars about trade losses, basis period reform and using the VAT 484 form have been updated.

  36. The link to a recorded webinar on statutory residence test — response to COVID-19 has been changed

  37. A link to a recorded webinar about basis period reform ― moving to the tax year basis has been added.

  38. The link to a recorded webinar on capital allowances and vehicles has been changed. A recorded webinar about supply chain assurance in the security sector has been added.

  39. A recorded webinar about access groups within the agent services account has been added. A live webinar about basis period reform — moving to the tax year basis has also been added. A recorded webinar about about basis periods has been removed.

  40. Recorded webinars about penalties for enablers of defeated tax avoidance and HMRC's agent forum have been added. Live webinars about access groups within the agent services account and capital allowances and vehicles have been added.

  41. The recorded webinar links have been updated for Plastic Packaging Tax.

  42. A link to watch a recorded webinar on tackling professional money launderers in accountancy has been added.

  43. A link to register for the live webinar about tackling professional money launderers in accountancy has been added.

  44. A link to a recorded webinar about UK Freeports and the possible benefits of locating in a Freeport customs site has been added.

  45. The recorded webinar links have been updated for: Plastic Packaging Tax, Making Tax Digital for VAT, Foreign rental income, How to apply the VAT reverse charge for construction services, and Trust or company service providers.

  46. Links to out of date webinars have been removed and a link to a webinar recording about super-deduction first-year capital allowance has been added.

  47. A link to a live webinar about super-deduction first-year capital allowance has been added and an out of date live webinar link about the Trust Registration Service and reporting discrepancies has been removed.

  48. The links to the recorded webinars have been updated. The information about registering for live webinars about research and development has been removed.

  49. A recorded webinar about the Trust Registration Service and reporting discrepancies has been added. A recorded webinar about changes to the VAT 652 - Error Correction Notice form has been added to the 'VAT' section and the link to this live webinar has been removed.

  50. A link to the recorded webinar about when is software in a project considered R&D (Research and Development) has been added. A link to register for the live webinar about the Trust Registration Service and reporting discrepancies has also been added.

  51. A live webinar about Research and Development has been added. A live webinar about changes to the VAT 652 - Error Correction Notice form has been added to the 'VAT' section. A recorded webinar about an overview of the new VAT late submission, late payment penalties and interest changes has been added to the VAT section. The live webinar about trade loss has been removed.

  52. A new live webinar about an overview of the new VAT late submission, late payment penalties and interest changes has been added. The link to the recorded webinar about How to register for VAT using the VAT1 form has been updated. Links to register for live webinars for 'Capital allowances and vehicles', 'The statutory residence test — response to COVID-19', 'Income from property for individual landlords — part 2' and 'Using the VAT 484 form to report changes' have been removed, the recordings are still available.

  53. Information about 'The Statutory Residence Test — response to COVID-19' webinar has been added. The links to register for the live 'Income from property for individual landlords — part 1' and 'How to register for VAT using the VAT1 form' webinars have been removed, the recordings are still available.

  54. We have added a new live webinar about registering for VAT using the VAT1 form. We have also added a recorded webinar on using the VAT484 form.

  55. Links to register for live webinars for 'capital allowances and vehicles', 'trade losses', 'income from property for individual landlords part 1' and 'income from property for individual landlords part 2' have been added.

  56. Information about the next Making Tax Digital for VAT live webinar has been added.

  57. Videos about Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) calculations have been added. The link to the live webinar about using the VAT 484 form to report changes has been updated.

  58. A live webinar about using the VAT 484 form to report changes has been added.

  59. The 'VAT' section has been updated because the way VAT is accounted for in the construction industry has now changed.

  60. Information about the HMRC help and support email service and a new ‘HMRC community forums’ section has been added.

  61. Links to register for live webinars for Plastic Packaging Tax have been removed.

  62. Links to register for live webinars about 'capital allowances and vehicles' and 'trade losses' have been removed.

  63. New webinars for Capital allowances and Trade losses are now available.

  64. The links to register for the next live webinars about the introduction of Plastic Packaging Tax, Plastic Packaging Tax — admin and technical aspects, Making Tax Digital for VAT and income from property for individual landlords – part 1 and part 2 have been updated.

  65. The links to recorded webinars have been updated. The recorded webinars for 'Statutory Sick Pay' and 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 — businesses' have been removed.

  66. The link to the recorded webinar about Statutory Sick Pay has been updated. Recorded webinars ‘disguised remuneration loan charge update’, ‘disguised remuneration — changes to the loan charge following the independent review’, ‘notification of uncertain tax treatment by large business’, ‘negligible value claims and share loss relief’ and the ‘Making Tax Digital’ series are no longer available.

  67. Links to register for webinars about the introduction, and the admin and technical aspects of Plastic Packaging Tax have been updated. A link to the webinar recording about the notification of uncertain tax treatment by large business has been added. The recorded webinar about the disposal of UK properties — important changes to reporting and paying Capital Gains Tax is no longer available.

  68. A link to register for a webinar about notification of uncertain tax treatment by large business has been added.

  69. Links to webinar recordings about the introduction of Plastic Packaging Tax and the administrative and technical aspects of Plastic Packaging Tax have been updated.

  70. Links to webinar recordings about the introduction of Plastic Packaging Tax and the administrative and technical aspects of Plastic Packaging Tax have been added.

  71. Links to register for live webinars about Plastic Packaging Tax have been added.

  72. A recorded webinar about foreign rental income has been added.

  73. A link to register for webinars about Making Tax Digital for VAT and a recorded webinar about declaring your grants on your Company Tax Return (CT600) have been added.

  74. A link to register for webinars about declaring your grants on your Company Tax Return (CT600) and off-payroll working rules from April 2021 – contracted out services and statements of work have been added.

  75. You can now watch a recorded webinar about off-payroll working rules from April 2021 – contracted out services and statements of work.

  76. Recordings of webinars about risks for agencies and other businesses working with umbrella companies operating avoidance schemes and Making Tax Digital have been added.

  77. The video about ways of making it easier to support your clients through the claims process is no longer available.

  78. A recording of the latest 'Plastic Packaging Tax – admin and technical aspects' webinar and a link to register for the 'off-payroll working rules from April 2021 – contracted out services and statements of work' webinar have been added.

  79. Links to register for live webinars have been added for capital allowances and vehicles, trade losses, Making Tax Digital for VAT and income from property for individual landlords.

  80. A webinar about the admin and technical aspects of Plastic Packaging Tax has been added.

  81. A webinar about Plastic Packaging Tax has been added.

  82. If you are a trust or company service provider, you can register for a live webinar about the provision of registered office and business address services.

  83. New webinars to help you understand basis periods, the option to tax property and Multiple Dwellings Relief for Stamp Duty Land Tax have been added.

  84. A new webinar to help you understand the Checking Employment Status for Tax (CEST) tool has been added.

  85. A video for agents on 'Self Employment Income Support Scheme - Supporting your clients with their claims to the fifth grant' has been added.

  86. Added a webinar about HMRC’s Check Employment Status for Tax tool.

  87. Links to register for live webinars have been added for Basis periods, income from property for individual landlords - part 1 and income from property for individual landlords - part 2.

  88. A link to a video about how changes to the off-payroll working rules (IR35) may affect businesses from April 2021 has been added.

  89. The closed webinar 'off-payroll working rules from April 2021' has been removed.

  90. The closed webinar 'off-payroll working rules from April 2021 – Status Determinations and Disagreements' has been removed.

  91. Catch up webinars about 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021', 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021: contractors'. 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021: Status Determinations and Disagreements' and Off-payroll working rules from April 2021: fee-payer responsibilities have been updated.

  92. The catch up webinars for 'off-payroll working rules from April 2021: international matters', 'off-payroll working rules from April 2021: engagement' and 'Making Tax Digital – digital links' have been updated.

  93. A catch up webinar for loan charge compliance and further information from 23 March 2021 and a Making Tax Digital – digital links webinar have been added.

  94. The catch up webinars for 'off-payroll working rules from April 2021: Status Determinations and Disagreements' and 'off-payroll working rules from April 2021: fee-payer responsibilities' have been updated.

  95. Link to register for the next live webinar about about loan charge compliance and further information has been added.

  96. Link to the recorded webinar about penalties for enablers of defeated tax avoidance has been added.

  97. The 'Penalties for enablers of defeated tax avoidance' webinar has been added and 'How to apply the VAT reverse charge for construction services' has been updated.

  98. A link to the off-payroll working rules from April 2021: engagement webinar recording, and a link to register for the next live webinar about off-payroll working rules from April 2021: fee-payer responsibilities have been added.

  99. The 'Off-payroll working rules from April 2021 - Engagement' webinar has been added.

  100. Link to the off-payroll working rules from April 2021: Status Determinations and Disagreements from 29 January 2021 webinar recording has been added.

  101. Webinar link added for off-payroll working rules from April 2021: Status Determinations and Disagreements.

  102. New links to recorded webinars for off-payroll working rules from April 2021 has been added for contractors and international matters.

  103. Links to recorded webinar 'Register for the next live webinar about off-payroll working rules 2021 – international matters', has been added.

  104. New webinar added: How you can help savers avoid scams.

  105. The Webinars for Capital Allowances and Vehicles, Income from property for individual landlords – part 1 and part 2 have been updated.

  106. Links to recorded webinars about off-payroll working rules from April 2021 and Trade losses have been added.

  107. Link to register for the next live webinar about Capital Allowances and Vehicles, Trade Losses, Off-payroll working rules from April 2021: Contractors and Income from property for individual landlords – part 1 and 2 have been added.

  108. Link to watch a recorded webinar about off-payroll working rules from April 2021 has been added.

  109. Link to watch a recorded webinar about how you can help savers avoid scams has been added.

  110. Link to register to catch up with the updated webinar about profit diversion compliance facility has been added.

  111. Link to watch a recorded webinar for disguised remuneration loan charge update has been added.

  112. Link to register for the next live webinar about how you can help savers avoid scams has been added.

  113. Link to register for the next live webinar about profit diversion compliance facility has been added.

  114. Link to register for the next live webinar about off-payroll working rules from April 2021 added.

  115. A webinar has been added for disguised remuneration loan charge.

  116. HMRC's digital assistant link has been added to the live webinars section.

  117. The planned live webinar programme for tax agents and advisers has been temporarily suspended due to coronavirus (COVID-19).

  118. Webinars about 'Disposal of UK properties - important changes to reporting and paying Capital Gains Tax' and 'VAT reverse charge on construction services' have been added.

  119. The webinar for 'Making Tax Digital - latest update' has been updated.

  120. The webinar about Statutory Sick Pay from Thursday 13 February 2020 has been added.

  121. Webinars have been added for 'Off-payroll working rules for intermediaries and contractors from April 2020'.

  122. The latest webinars for Capital Allowances for the self-employed, Statutory Maternity and Paternity Pay, Negligible value claims and share loss relief, Income from property for individual landlords – part 2 and Disguised Remuneration - changes to the loan charge following the independent review have been added.

  123. The latest webinars for VAT reverse charge on construction services, Disposal of UK properties - important changes to reporting and paying Capital Gains Tax, Basis Periods, Capital Allowances and Vehicles, How to show self-employed business expenses on the tax return, Off-payroll working rules from April 2020 and Income from property for individual landlords – part 1 have been added.

  124. The latest webinars for off-payroll working rules from April 2020, disguised remuneration, negligible value claims and share loss relief, Statutory Sick Pay, trade losses, self-employment, expenses and benefits – social functions and parties, expenses and benefits for employers – phones, internet and homeworking, Making Tax Digital and income from property for individual landlords – part 2 have been added.

  125. The latest webinars for trade losses, basic periods, income from property for individual landlords and capital allowances and vehicles have been added.

  126. The latest webinars on 'how to show self-employed business expenses on your tax return' and 'how to carry out checks for the National Minimum Wage' have been added.

  127. The latest webinars for Making Tax Digital, expenses and benefits, income from property for individual landlords and off-payrolling working rules have been added.

  128. The webinars in the 'Upcoming online webinars', 'Business taxes', 'VAT', 'Employing people' and Making Tax Digital for Business' sections have been updated.

  129. A new webinar about Off-payrolling working rules from April 2020, and videos about trading with the EU in a no-deal Brexit have been added. The 'Making Tax Digital – your agent services account' and 'New VAT reverse charge for construction services' webinars have been updated

  130. The latest webinars about the new VAT reverse charge, income from property for individual landlords, Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), Flat Rate Scheme, Statutory Sick Pay and Making Tax Digital for Business have been added.

  131. The latest webinars for off payroll working rules, the new VAT reverse charge for construction services and income from property for individual landlords have been added.

  132. The latest webinars for the new VAT reverse charge for construction services, Statutory Sick Pay, capital allowances and vehicles and Stamp Duty Land Tax have been added.

  133. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  134. The latest webinars for negligible value claims and share loss relief, capital allowances and vehicles and PAYE expenses and benefits (P11D) have been added.

  135. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  136. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  137. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  138. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  139. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  140. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  141. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  142. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  143. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  144. Webinars on Stamp Duty Land Tax Higher Rate for Additional Dwellings and Dwellings Purchased by Companies, Statutory Sick Pay, Making Tax Digital for Business, Corporation Tax carried-forward losses and an overview of the Disguised Remuneration Loan Charge reporting requirements have been added.

  145. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  146. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  147. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  148. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  149. The webinar for cryptoassets has been updated.

  150. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  151. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  152. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  153. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  154. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  155. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  156. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  157. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  158. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  159. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  160. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  161. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  162. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  163. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  164. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  165. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  166. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  167. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  168. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  169. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  170. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  171. Webinars on help and support for agents have been updated and new ones added.

  172. The latest webinars on help and support for agents have been added.

  173. First published.

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