Help to find work for Universal Credit claimants aged 16 to 24
Find out about the help for Universal Credit claimants aged 16 to 24 to find a job, work-related training or an apprenticeship though the Youth Offer.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Many people on Universal Credit aged 16 to 24 can get extra help to find work through the DWP Youth Offer. Ask your work coach to see if you are eligible.
While you are on the Youth Offer, you will continue to receive Universal Credit in line with the agreements made in your Claimant Commitment.
The Youth Offer has 3 different types of support:
- Youth Employment Programme
- Youth Hubs
- Youth Employability Coaches
You’ll agree the best option for you with your work coach at the start of your claim or later as your work coach gets to know you.
Youth Employment Programme
The aim of the Youth Employment Programme is to help prepare you for work, increase your chances of moving into a job and refer you to the most appropriate support. This could include:
- a sector based work academy programme (SWAP)
- a traineeship
- work experience
- an apprenticeship
- attending sessions hosted by experienced staff from large companies to get help with CV writing, goal setting, job applications and interview practice (‘mentoring circles’)
- other work-related training including equivalents in Scotland and Wales
The programme lasts for 13 weeks and you will be supported by your work coach at your jobcentre.
Employability services in Scotland:
Young Person’s Guarantee in Scotland – work experience and apprenticeships for 16 to 24 year-olds in Scotland. This is part of the Scottish Government’s ‘No One Left Behind’ strategy
Skills Development Scotland – offers advice and supports career development from school into further learning opportunities and employment
Welsh Government employability and skills programmes:
The Young Person’s Guarantee Wales – education and training opportunities to help and support 16 to 24 year-olds get into work or self-employment. This brings together public, private and third sectors and the DWP to deliver the best offer possible
Jobs Growth Wales+ – training and development programmes for 16 to 19 year-olds in Wales
Communities for Work Plus, Working Wales – for people age 20 and over. This provides specialist employment advisory support to long-term unemployed or people with complex barriers, including low skills levels, health complications and work limiting conditions
ReAct Plus, Working Wales – a grant programme for those under threat of redundancy or who have been made redundant
Employment and Skills review
Following your Claimant Commitment meeting, you will have an Employment and Skills review with your work coach. At the review, you will:
get support to develop and improve your CV
get help to understand how virtual job searching and applications work
identify any work related training you need
identify if you need any support with your English, Maths or IT
see which work based opportunities are available to you over the course of the 13 weeks
establish any existing barriers that may prevent you from taking part in work-based opportunities
Work coach appointments
During your time on the Youth Employment Programme, you will have reviews with your work coach by phone, face to face or online for continued support and coaching.
You will get support to meet your individual needs and deal with any personal barriers to work you may have. Your work coach may refer you to other local support and local job opportunities, for example:
- basic skills training
- other work-related training, including a traineeship and sector based work academy programme (SWAP)
- work experience opportunities for 2 to 8 weeks
- support from a Youth Hub for up to 6 months
- support from a Youth Employability Coach up to 6 months
DWP Youth Hubs
Your work coach may refer you to extra support for up to 6 months from a Youth Hub work coach.
Youth Hubs are located with other organisations to provide access to more services in one location. They support you looking for work by helping you develop your skills and other activities such as writing a CV and interview skills.
Youth Hubs operate across England, Scotland and Wales in a range of settings, from city centres to rural and coastal areas, allowing the services provided to be targeted to local needs.
Some Youth Hubs offer a drop-in service for all young people who need support to find work, including those not claiming Universal Credit.
Contact your local jobcentre to find your nearest Youth Hub.
Youth Employability Coaches
Your work coach may refer you to a Youth Employability Coach if you have other barriers stopping you finding a job. They are based in jobcentres and provide support for up to 6 months to help you move into work.
They can also provide 6 weeks support while you are in work when you have started a job.
Travel and childcare costs
If you attend training or work experience, you may be able to claim travel and childcare costs. Speak with your work coach about this.
Help finding work online
The jobhelp website has information on looking for jobs, help with CV’s, applications and interview support. It includes links to some national recruitment exercises and information to help people aged under 25 find work.
In Scotland, My World of Work has information and support on jobs, careers, and training. It has a particular focus on youth training and employment.
In Wales, job search support and training can be found at Job Websites.
Updates to this page
Added information on Scottish and Welsh programmes for young people.
Update to reflect that from 25 September certain young people will be invited to join the Youth Offer on a voluntary basis.
From 1 December 2021 the help to find a job, work-related training or an apprenticeship though the 'Youth Offer' has been extended to Universal Credit claimants aged 16 and 17.
First published.