
How to publish Government Major Projects Portfolio data

Template for GOV.UK publication page for departmental core transparency data, to be published yearly.

Prepare the data

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) provides guidance on how to prepare your data - including templates, timing and appropriate approval processes.

Publish the data

Create a new GOV.UK publication page for each data release.

The IPA annual report year is always one year after the year the data is collected. For example, September 2017 data is reported in the 2018 IPA annual report.

Publication page template

The publication title, summary, detail and file name is a government standard and must not be changed.

Publication type: Transparency data

Title: [Department name or acronym]: Government Major Projects Portfolio data [annual report year]


[department] [September] [data year] Government Major Projects Portfolio data that supports the [annual report year] Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) annual report.


Each government department has published detailed information about projects on the Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP). This includes a Delivery Confidence Assessment rating, financial information (whole life cost, annual baseline and forecast spend), project schedule and project narrative.

The data reflects the status of the GMPP at 30 September and is published in support of the [annual report year] Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) annual report.


Policies: Major project management, Government transparency and accountability

Policy areas: Government efficiency, transparency and accountability

Attachment titles:

  • [Department acronym] Government Major Project Portfolio data, [month, data year] ([file format type])

Collection page

Add the new publication to the Major projects data collection page.

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Published 14 December 2017

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