
Identifying and reporting misrepresentation by agents

This guide from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) will help you identify and report false or misleading information from agents.

The VOA’s agent standards set expectations of agents.

These expectations mean:

  • agents must not misrepresent their relationship with the VOA
  • agents must not make false or misleading statements about the VOA’s activity

This applies to what they say in their marketing material, online information or other communications.

Most agents interact with the VOA professionally and respectfully. But a minority display poor practices and behaviours.

Misrepresentation can include when an agent:

  • suggests or implies that the VOA endorses them
  • implies they are acting as part of, or on behalf of, the VOA
  • makes false statements about the VOA’s activities (for example, creating false deadlines)
  • uses the VOA logo without authorisation
  • creates misleading correspondence references or IDs

Find out more about the VOA agent standards and how we enforce them.

How to report misrepresentation

If you see potential misrepresentation, report it to the VOA by emailing

Send us any evidence you have, such as:

  • an email
  • marketing materials
  • a website link
  • a screenshot of a website or text

It will help us if you have the date and time you identified the misrepresentation.

If the potential misrepresentation took place over the telephone, please tell us:

  • the date and time of the call
  • who contacted you
  • the content of the conversation, including any potentially misleading statements

We will investigate when we get evidence of a potential breach of our agent standards.

Telling us about potential breaches will help us to act on scams and protect customers. We will always act where we substantiate a breach of the standards.

You can also contact the Advertising Standards Authority, which regulates advertising. They can take action to ban ads which are misleading, harmful, offensive or irresponsible.

Keeping safe

If you want an agent to manage your business rates, use our checklist to choose one.

We also have guidance on staying safe from scammers.

Examples of misrepresentation

Below are screenshots of misrepresentation. Beware of any agents making false claims like these.

  • False deadlines

Beware of false claims about upcoming deadlines. This might be to appeal your business rates valuation or Council Tax band before a set deadline. If you are not sure, contact the VOA.

We are aware of false claims about upcoming deadlines to appeal the 2023 rating lists.

These are not true. You should be wary of anyone making these claims.

You are generally able to challenge your property valuation on the 2023 lists at any time until March 2026. Any claim of an earlier deadline is false.

  • False claims about rebates

Below are examples of false claims about rebates.

The VOA will never tell you what you owe for business rates or Council Tax. If you have questions about your business rates or Council Tax bill, you should contact your local council.

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Published 2 September 2024

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