
Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS)

Importers and import agents need to use IPAFFS to notify authorities about imports to Great Britain.

You must use IPAFFS to notify authorities in Great Britain before the following goods arrive from EU and non-EU countries:

  • live animals
  • germinal products
  • animal by-products (ABP)
  • high-risk food and feed not of animal origin (HRFNAO)
  • products of animal origin (POAO)
  • composite food products
  • medium and high risk plants and plant products

Register for IPAFFS

You must have a Government Gateway account to use IPAFFS. You can set one up when you select ‘start now’. Once you’ve set up your Government Gateway account, you’ll be able to register for the Defra services that you need and the IPAFFS service.

If you already use other Defra services, you can register for IPAFFS by selecting ‘register for more services’.

If you’re an import agent acting on behalf of an importer you must register for IPAFFS using your own business details. You should not select ‘intermediaries’ on the ‘Manage account’ screen in the IPAFFS service as this does not apply to IPAFFS users.

When you raise a notification in IPAFFS, you are responsible for the consignment from when it enters Great Britain until the authorities complete their checks.

Create an import notification

Make sure you have all your import documents in electronic format, for example PDF. Great Britain accepts verifiable PDF GB health certificates from the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway for imports of:

  • live animals
  • animal products including germinal products, POAO and ABP

You must upload the documents to the import notification before you submit it.

Start now

Import rules

Find out the other rules you must follow to import:

Get help

If you need technical help with IPAFFS:

If you need help to complete import notifications for:

If you need help with your customs declaration, contact HMRC.

Updates to this page

Published 18 March 2019
Last updated 30 April 2024 show all updates
  1. The page has been updated with information about changes to imports in line with the Border Target Operating Model.

  2. Removed a section exempting certain products from the Republic of Ireland from import notifications on IPAFFS. From 31 January 2024, import notifications will be required. Added risk level for plants and plant products.

  3. A prompt has been added to prepare for new import controls which begin on 31 January 2024.

  4. Added a link to guidance on importing plants and plant products from non-EU third countries to Northern Ireland under 'Check import rules'. Added a link to IPAFFS for plants guidance in the 'Get help' section.

  5. Added information for import agents acting on behalf of an importer.

  6. Updated the section 'If you need help with your customs declaration'.

  7. Added a 'If you need help with your customs declaration' section.

  8. Updated to include plants and show change in rules from 1 January 2022 for imports from the Republic of Ireland to Great Britain.

  9. Updated with new dates for the introduction of controls on imports of products of animal origin, animal by-products and high risk food and feed not of animal origin.

  10. Updated to show IPAFFS must be used for imports from the EU and European Economic Area (EEA) from 1 October 2021.

  11. Updated to show when importers can use IPAFFS to import their type of goods.

  12. Explained what you need to submit a notification, when to submit it, and added a registration on IPAFFS guide.

  13. Removed the registration guides PDFs - you can now use the service to understand how to register.

  14. Explained that you can enrol into IPAFFS if you have registered for another Defra service by signing into your service.

  15. The dates agreed with the EU commission for using IPAFFS (7 and 15 September 2020) are no longer valid - TRACES will still be the process to follow.

  16. Explained that "from 7 September 2020, you must use IPAFFS to notify authorities of GB imports of products of animal origin (POAO) from non-EU countries." Clarified processes about importing from EU and non-EU countries.

  17. Added registration guides.

  18. Removed "If your notification is shown as ‘in progress’ you’ll need to call the relevant border control post (BCP) to ask them for access to make your changes" because it only applies to non-EU imports.

  19. Added information on how and when to submit and update a notification.

  20. Updated information about IPAFFS and added a link to TRACES New Technology (NT), which must be used from 14 December 2019.

  21. IPAFFS is open for registration.

  22. Revised page to explain more about what IPAFFS is - page will be updated when IPAFFS is open for registration and when any new import processes are confirmed.

  23. Edited call out to make it clearer how TRACES and IPAFFS can be used before and after Brexit.

  24. Added note that IPAFFS is currently for testing and training only. Importers should continue to use TRACES to notify authorities of imports into the UK.

  25. First published.

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