Importing and exporting waste plastic
Rules for shipping waste plastic.
Applies to England
Shipping waste plastic for recovery in EU and OECD countries
OECD countries are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
You can only ship waste plastic under Article 18 controls (also known as ‘green list’) if it meets the requirements of the Basel code B3011. This means all of the following apply – the waste plastic must be:
- a single polymer plastic or the allowed mixture of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
- almost free from contamination and other types of waste, including other waste plastics
- recycled by R3 (recycling or reclaiming organic substances that are not used as solvents without harming the environment)
You must keep contractual or official documentation that shows you have complied.
Basel code B3011 covers the following waste plastics:
- non-halogenated polymers
- cured resins or condensation products
- fluorinated polymers – but only those specifically named and excluding post-consumer wastes
You can use the B3011 code for a mixture of waste consisting of only:
- PE
- PP
But only if:
- each material will be recycled separately by R3 without harming the environment
- the mixture is almost free from contamination and other types of waste
You may export the B3011 mixture of PE, PP and PET through a single storage site before the R3 process if necessary.
If B3011 waste plastic will not be recycled by R3, you must ship it under notification controls and receive consent before shipping. You must use the code Y48 (non-hazardous waste plastics not classed as B3011). For example, polyurethane foam that is incinerated for energy generation (R1), or AC300 for hazardous waste plastics.
You must ship all other waste plastics under notification controls and receive consent before you ship them. This includes:
- polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
- all other hazardous waste plastics
You must use the code AC300 for hazardous waste plastics.
Shipping waste plastic for recovery in non-OECD countries
You must check the controls that are in place to export B3011 to non-OECD countries as they vary. You must notify and receive consent to ship waste plastic coded Y48.
Use IWS online to notify your waste.
You must not ship hazardous waste plastics to non-OECD countries.
How to check you are using the correct code and control
You can use the waste export controls tool to work out the correct code and control for your waste plastic shipment. Be aware that it is only a guide. Before shipping always check the controls with the transit and destination countries.
You can also use the Waste Shipment Regulations: consolidated waste list.
Updates to this page
Updated because of the new controls on moving B3011 plastic waste to non-OECD countries - you must check the controls in place as they now vary. Also clarified how to describe waste as B3011.
Amended to reflect that if you are shipping B3011 waste plastic to a non-OECD country you must first notify the waste shipment. You can email if this will cause you to breach your permit.
Added links to the Waste exports control tool and the Waste Shipments Regulation consolidated waste list.
First published.