
HM Land Registry portal: how to apply for a land charges office copy

How Business e-services customers can apply for an office copy of a land charges entry through the portal.

Applies to England and Wales

Request an office copy

Log in to the portal.

Select ‘Land Charges Services’, then select ‘Office Copy’ to give details of the Land Charge that you want a copy of.

  1. Complete ‘Class of Charge’ by selecting one of the options in the drop down menu. For more information on the various classes of land charge, please refer to practice guide 63: Land Charges - applications for registration, official search, office copy and cancellation.
  2. Supply the ‘L/C registration Number’ and ‘Date of Registration’. These are shown on your Land Charges search result. If you want a copy of any plan filed with the registration, select the check box below ‘Date of Registration’.
  3. Enter the name of the estate owner.
  4. Enter your customer reference. This will be displayed on your variable direct debit (VDD) statement. The customer reference field may be pre-filled with the last reference number you used. If you want to change this, you can overwrite it.
  5. If you agree to pay the fee shown, select ‘Submit’ to apply for the office copy.

Access the office copy

If the details you entered match HM Land Registry records, your office copy will be delivered electronically immediately.

You can view and save the office copy as a PDF file.

You can access PDFs free of charge for 30 days (inclusive) from the day the registration was completed.

Amend the search and submit

  1. If the details supplied do not match HM Land Registry records, a message will state this. Choose from the options, under the header: ”You can either”. If you choose the first option in the list, HM Land Registry will check what documents are available and send you copies by post or DX. If no documents matching your details are found, you will be notified by post or DX.
  2. Before selecting the first option, you might want to check that the details you have entered are correct. If not, select ‘Amend Application’ to go back to the previous step and re-enter the details.
  3. To clear the details of the current application, or to apply for a different Office Copy of a Land Charge, select ‘New Application’.
  4. Once the details entered are correct, select ‘Submit’.


A message confirms that your application has been accepted and that it will be sent by post.


When you have completed your tasks, select ‘Logout’ at the top of the screen to exit the system securely.

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Published 19 October 2015

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