
HM Land Registry: verify your property data

Use our verification services to improve the accuracy of property ownership data.

Applies to England and Wales

We offer 3 services to verify your property ownership data:

The service you choose will depend on how much data you need from HM Land Registry.

Use these services to:

  • bring your property ownership information up to date
  • ensure your data is accurate
  • append property ownership information to your records

Classic Data Matching

Confirm addresses are registered with us and append reliable property ownership information to your records. Designed for customers who want to match up to 10,000 rows of data. Used by utility companies, solicitors and conveyancers, debt recovery firms, lenders and local authorities.

To use this service:

  • you supply a list of names and addresses on a CSV spreadsheet (10,000 rows at most)
  • we compare your information with our database
  • we send you the results on a spreadsheet within five days, or within 10 days if you have added optional extras

The results show whether we have traced the property on our database and whether your records match, do not match or partially match our ownership information. To improve matching rates, we manually investigate results that do not match.

You can automatically receive official copies of the register in PDF format for records that do not match. There’s also an option to have certain register information set out on the resulting spreadsheet containing links to the Land Register.


This service costs from £1 for each record submitted and processed by us. Additional options and register information are available. For a quote please contact us.

All prices are subject to VAT and a minimum price per file applies.

Volume Data Matching

Confirm addresses are registered with us and append reliable property ownership information to your records. Designed for customers who have files with over 10,000 rows of data, eg utility companies.

To use this service:

  • you supply a list of names and addresses on a CSV spreadsheet (with at least 10,000 rows)
  • we compare up to a million rows of data
  • you receive the results within 48 hours

The results show whether we have traced the property on our database and whether your records match, do not match or partially match our ownership information. It may be possible to receive official copies of the register in PDF format for records that do not match.


Pricing for this service varies depending on the volumes lodged. For a quote please contact us.

Online Owner Verification

Securely verify your property ownership data against more than 25 million HM Land Registry property titles in real time. This web-based service is provided through our Business Gateway and can integrate into your processes or services.

It features:

  • historical match option to verify whether the person named matches a previous named owner in our records (no further back than 2005)
  • partial matching or “fuzzy logic” to increase the chances of a match
  • option to highlight whether there are additional legal owners on the title
  • option to search by title number to ensure a registered address is found


Pay Monthly option

volume per calendar month cost per enquiry
< 4000 60p
4001 to 10,000 28p
10,001 to 40,000 22p
40,001 to 80,000 19p
>80,000 12p

Pay up front: quarterly option

‘Credit Period’ is 3 calendar months. After 3 months, the credits expire and cannot be carried over.

volume cost per credit
10,000 to 25,000 28p
25,001 to 100,000 22p
100,001 to 200,000 19p

Pay up front: yearly option

‘Credit Period’ is 12 calendar months. After 12 months, the credits expire and cannot be carried over.

volume cost per credit
800,000 to 1,500,000 10p
1,500,000 to 3,000,000 8p
Please contact us to discuss pricing exceeding this amount  

Service comparison table

Features to compare Classic Data Matching Volume Data Matching Ownership Verification
Name matching
Multiple forename matching    
Partial name matching    
Historical name matching    
Company name matching    
Registered address matching
Multiple address lodgement options    
Skip address matching using title number    
Secure delivery method
Flexible data delivery options available  
Manual investigation of failed matches    
High volume (each request is >100,000)    
High volume usage    
Flexible pricing based on usage  
Flexible payment options (Pay upfront and pay monthly)    
Online fast response    
Business to business    
Available on our web based Business Gateway Channel    

More information

To find out more about these services and to access them, please contact us.

Data Services Team

HM Land Registry
Rosebrae Court
Woodside Ferry Approach
CH41 6DU


Contact form https://help.landregis...

Telephone 0300 006 0478

For Online Owner Verification, you must first apply for a portal and Variable Direct Debit account.

Updates to this page

Published 9 June 2016

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