
Information on waste codes and descriptions to use when landspreading to improve soil health.

This guidance gives:

  • an overview of the waste
  • the benefits and potential risks of storing and spreading the waste
  • operational considerations

You can use it to produce your benefit statement for your LPD1 deployment application.

The Environment Agency’s expectation is that an appropriate technical expert will use this guidance to produce the benefit statement. For example, a Fertiliser advisers certification and training scheme (FACTS) qualified adviser.


  • Important information on waste codes and descriptions.

  • 01 waste codes result from exploration, mining, quarrying and physical chemical treatment of minerals.

  • 02 wastes are from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, food preparation and processing. Your permit lists the 02 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

  • 03 Wastes are from wood processing and the production of panels, furniture, pulp and paper. Your permit lists the 03 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

  • 04 wastes are from the leather, fur and textile industries. Your permit lists the 04 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

  • 05 waste codes are from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and pyrolytic treatment of coal. Your permit lists the 05 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

  • 07 wastes are from organic chemical processes. Your permit lists the 07 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

  • 10 wastes are from thermal processes. Your permit lists the 10 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

  • 16 waste codes are referred to as ‘wastes not otherwise specified in the list.’ Your permit lists the 16 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

  • 17 waste codes are construction and demolition wastes (including excavated soil from contaminated sites). Your permit lists the 17 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

  • 19 waste codes are from waste management facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the preparation of water intended for human consumption and water for industrial use. Your permit lists the 19 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

  • 20 waste codes are municipal wastes (household waste and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastes) including separately collected fractions. Your permit lists the 20 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.