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16 Waste codes

16 waste codes are referred to as ‘wastes not otherwise specified in the list.’ Your permit lists the 16 waste codes you can use. You must follow the guidance given in the Before you start section.

16 03 Waste codes

16 03 wastes are off-specification batches and unused products.

16 03 06 Out of date and out of specification beverages only

You can use this waste if you hold SR2010 No 4 – see table 2.2B.

For this waste you must follow the information for 02 07 04 Materials unsuitable for consumption or processing.

16 10 Waste codes

16 10 waste codes are aqueous liquid wastes destined for off-site treatment.

16 10 02 Wash waters from animal by-product intermediate plants that meet the waste water treatment requirements in the animal by-products regulations

You can use this waste if you hold SR2010 No 4 – see table 2.2B.

This waste is controlled by the animal by-products regulations. You must follow the guidance for the animal by-product industry.

This waste is the untreated wash waters from intermediate animal by-product plants. These are short-term storage facilities where animal by-products are bulked up and stored. This is before the waste is taken to a rendering plant that handles animal by-product categories 1, 2 and 3.

Analysis has shown that wash waters from these premises are essentially the same composition as untreated wash waters from rendering plants and poultry preparation plants. The wash water contains small amounts of blood and gut contents. Follow also the information given for 02 02 99 Wash waters from animal by-product handling and processing plants that meet the waste water treatment requirements in the animal by-products regulations.

Benefits and risks

You can use the waste to provide agricultural benefit. This includes to:

  • supply nutrients
  • improve the water content of the soil

Consider these risks. It can:

  • cause odour during delivery, handling, storage and landspreading
  • attract scavengers
  • generate leachate
  • result in flies and dust nuisance
  • lead to adverse effects on soil micro-organism ecology

You must also follow the guidance in Landspreading: how to manage soil health for:

  • iodine
  • manage oil and fat trap wastes as these wastes can be similar to oily wastes

Spreading methods

You will need to use subsurface injection to a depth of at least 15cm where conditions allow.

You can use shallower injection or surface application. However, you must work the wash waters into the land as soon as is practicable. You must do this before you allow grazing animals on to the land.