Legal aid: submit a claim
Use claim forms or claim online, eg using CCMS, to get paid for all aspects of legal aid work; find guidance and help with submissions.
Applies to England and Wales
How to claim: paper forms
Civil certificated billing codes
Civil controlled work
Crown Court work must be claimed online via CCD
How to claim: online
There are four ways to submit a claim online for legal aid work done:
Client and cost management system
If your case has been submitted online via the client and cost management system (CCMS), you must also submit your claim through CCMS. Paper evidence can be scanned and submitted through the system online or sent to:
Northgate Public Services
Unit 1
26 Charles Way
DX: 324205
If your query is about a Client and Cost Management System (CCMS) case you should use the case enquiry task button. Alternatively, if your query is more general and not case specific you should use the general enquiry task button. Please visit the Contacts page of the CCMS website for details of who to contact in the following scenarios:
- When you have a CCMS query
- When you are unable to access CCMS due to a technical issue
- When you have an urgent query
- When you have feedback for the CCMS team
- If you would like to make a complaint
- If you are dissatisfied with the complaint response that you have received
- If you need to post documents
Contacts page of the CCMS website.
Contracted work and admin
Crown Court Claims
Phone for online and new starter support: 0300 200 2020
Phone (civil): 0117 302 3133
Phone (crime): 0300 200 2020
Management Information
This is not a way to submit claims but a web-based way to access, view and print financial statements using LAA online. To register and use this service, go to Management Information (MI).
What to do next
When you’ve filled in the forms and collected the right paperwork, it’s worth making use of the checklists to ensure your claim is processed quickly.
Unsigned, undated and incomplete forms are a common reason for rejection, as are forms sent to the incorrect address.
If you applied online through CCMS, you will be immediately prompted if you did not complete your claim correctly.
Where to send your forms
Email (including CWA):
Post civil claim forms to:
Berkley Way
Viking Business Park
Jarrow NE31 1SF
DX: 742 350 Jarrow 2
Phone: 0300 200 2020
For VHCC email:
All Crown Court billing must be completed using the online CDD billing system. Discs in support of a claim may be posted but must include a covering letter marked ‘AGFS’ or ‘LGFS’ with return address, client name, case number and court, and the date upon which the claim was submitted. These may be posted to:
Legal Aid Agency
1 Unity Square
Queensbridge Road
Controlled work
Post controlled work forms to:
Mental Health Unit/Immigration and Asylum
Controlled Work and Escaped Fee Claims
Legal Aid Agency
Level 6, The Capital
Union Street
Liverpool L3 9AF
Phone: 0300 200 2020
For general queries relating to advocate graduated fee schemes, please contact
For general queries relating to litigator graduated fee schemes, please contact
If any claim has been rejected but you think the LAA has made a mistake, email for a 24-hour response.