
HM Land Registry Lender Services

Lenders can use the HM Land Registry portal to discharge mortgages.

Applies to England and Wales

Available services

Lenders and third party organisation acting on behalf of lenders can use lender services to submit an electronic discharge of whole.

Find out more information about electronic discharges in our Practice guide 31: discharges of charges.

How to get access to Lender Services

Access to our lender services is governed by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Before applying, you should carefully consider whether your organisation meets the criteria for the granting of the MoU.

This agreement is specifically designed to meet the needs of lenders with portfolios of registered legal charges who wish to cancel charges from the register by means of an electronic form DS1 (e-DS1). Find out about the process in the portal with our guide ‘discharge a charge (e-DS1)’.

Lenders who submit on their own behalf

If you are a lender who intends to create and submit electronic discharges on your own behalf, download, complete and return two copies of the MoU. Send the agreements to us with the appropriate Business e-services application form.

Lenders who employ an agent company

If you are a lender who employs an agent company to submit electronic discharges on your behalf, or an agent acting on behalf of one or more lenders, contact us for guidance on how to apply call 0300 006 0411 or send us a message.

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Published 16 June 2014

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