Software developers providing customs declaration software
Check a list of software developers who can provide Customs Declaration Service software.
HMRC cannot recommend or endorse any one product or service over another.
The following list has contact details of developers who supply software for the Customs Declaration Service.
Developers who have not agreed to publishing their details are not listed.
If you would like to include your details, you’ll need to give your:
- business name
- email address
- telephone number
For developers of customs declaration software, send an email to the Software Developer Support Team at:
HMRC is not responsible for any losses or expenses you may incur using software from these providers.
List of software developers for customs declarations
AEB (International) Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
- simplified declarations for exports
For more information contact Kevin Garvin by:
- email: or
- telephone: 01926 679 750
Find out more about the software available on the AEB (International) Ltd website.
Agency Sector Management (UK) Ltd — ASM
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
- simplified declarations for exports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 01784 242 200
Find out more about the software available on the Agency Sector Management (UK) Ltd — ASM website.
AJ Software Solutions Ltd (trading as Customs Declarations UK)
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 020 8135 6066
Find out more about the software available on the Customs Declarations UK website.
Ashford Applications Ltd (now trading as Customs Support)
Provides the simplified declarations for imports declaration software.
For more information contact their support desk by:
- email: or
- telephone: 01580 761 100
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 020 7700 3772
Find out more about the software available on the Azyra website.
Bacsoft Limited
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
- simplified declarations for exports
For more information contact Charlie Barlow by:
- email: or
- telephone: 01615 437 383
Find out more about the software available on the Bacsoft website.
ChannelPorts Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 01304 218 304
Find out more about the software available on the ChannelPorts website.
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 020 3837 0321
Find out more about the software available on the ClearPort website.
CNS — Community Network Services
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
- simplified declarations for exports
For more information contact CNS Customs by:
- email
- telephone: 02380 799 601
Find out more about the software available on the CNS website.
Conex Systems Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
- simplified declarations for exports
For more information contact Paul Grobler by:
- email:
- telephone: 020 7149 7000
Find out more about the software available on the Conex Systems Ltd website.
Contained Technologies UK Ltd
Provides the Customs Declaration Service declaration software.
For more information email:
Find out more about the software available on the Contained Technologies UK Ltd website.
CSM bv
Provides the Customs Declaration Service for imports software.
For more information contact Bart Decorte by:
- email:
- telephone: +32 475 383 420
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: +32 154 608 46
Find out more about the software available on the Customs4trade website.
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
- simplified declarations for exports
For more information contact Alex McDonald by:
- email:
- telephone: 01772 368 002
Find out more about the software available on the CustomsLink website.
Customs Window Technologies Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Service for imports
- Customs Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Jason Zaidan by:
- Email:
- Telephone: +353 (1) 485 3293
Find out more about the software available on the Customs Window Technologies Ltd website.
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
- simplified declarations for exports
For more information contact Kieran Gleeson by:
- email:
- telephone:
- Dublin: +353 (0)1 211 8508
- Cork: +353 (0)21 701 1271
Find out more about the software available on the Custran website.
CustUK (Custuk is a trading name of AppeByte Ltd)
Provides the Customs Declaration Service declaration software.
For more information contact Atul Gupta by:
- email:
- mobile: 07850 342 883
Find out more about the software available on the CustUK website.
Declarant International
Provides the simplified declarations for imports declaration software.
For more information email:
Descartes Systems UK Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 01249 477 099
Find out more about the software available on the Descartes Systems UK Ltd website.
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information email:
Find out more about the software available on the E2Open website.
Forwarding Digital Ltd
Provides the Customs Declaration Service declaration software.
For more information email:
Forward Solutions
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact John Varley by:
- email:
- telephone: 01159 380 280
Find out more about the software available on the Forward Solutions website.
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Adnan Zaheer by:
- email:
- telephone: 0333 577 2277
Find out more about the software available on the iCustoms website.
iEquinox Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- mobile: 07570 255 493
Find out more about the software available on the iEquinox Ltd website.
Innovative Integrations Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Jonathan Bowker by:
- email:
- mobile: 07552 045 721
Just Trade
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Nicholas Tate by:
- email:
- telephone: 020 3926 6200
Find out more about the software available on the Just Trade website.
KlearNow Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- mobile: 07775 940 842
Langdon Customs and Excise Solutions Limited
Declaration software provided:
- customs warehouse
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact the sales team by:
- email:
- telephone: 0161 513 3334
Find out more about the software available on the Langdon Systems website.
Logistical Software Ltd
Provides the simplified declarations for imports declaration software.
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 01708 691 011
Find out more about the software available on the Logistical Software Ltd website.
Mansys Ltd
Provides the simplified declarations for imports declaration software.
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 0203 140 266 647
Maritime Cargo Processing plc (MCP)
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 01394 600 205
Find out more about the software available on the Maritime Cargo Processing plc (MCP) website.
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact MIC Datenverarbeitung GmbH by:
- email:
- telephone: +43 732 778 496
Find out more about the software available on the MIC website.
Microhelp Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- customs warehouse
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information, contact Mike Colbridge by telephone: 01606 782 690.
Find out more about the software available on the Microhelp Ltd website.
Modaltrans Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Ronan Keane by:
- email:
- telephone: 020 3488 7035
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Ian Taylor by:
- email:
- telephone: 01473 212 421
Find out more about the software available on the Multifreight website.
Nova ICT
Provides the simplified declarations for imports declaration software.
For more information contact Kristijan Pastuović by:
- email:
- telephone: +385 1 4550 810
Phlo Systems Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Bilal Hasan by:
- email:, or
- telephone: 020 3443 9815
Find out more about the software available on the Phlo Systems Ltd website.
REPL Group, part of Accenture
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Dean Mearis by:
- email:
- telephone: 0808 200 7375
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Sam Karbani by:
- email:
- telephone: 0870 608 4000
Find out more about the software available on the SAP website.
SGS United Kingdom
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Ian James by:
- email:
- telephone: 01749 345 007
Find out more about the software available on the SGS United Kingdom website.
Provides the simplified declarations for imports declaration software.
For more information contact Ian James by:
- email:
- telephone: 020 3239 7951
Find out more about the software available on the Shipamax website.
The Data Company
Provides the simplified declarations for imports declaration software.
For more information contact Andy Todd by:
- email:
- mobile: 07767 352 236
Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Global Trade Management
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information email:
Find out more about the software available on the Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Global Trade Management website.
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Steve Breen by:
- email:
- telephone: 0161 710 1890
Find out more about the software available on the Thyme-IT website.
Vision software by Ontech Solutions
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact their sales team by:
- email:
- telephone: 0330 100 4580
Find out more about the software available on the Vision software by Ontech Solutions website.
Vixsoft Systems Ltd
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact David Panter (sales team manager) by:
- email:
- telephone: 01472 266 000
Vouchcom Limited
Provides the simplified declarations for imports declaration software.
For more information contact Konstantinos Damianakis by:
- email:
- telephone: 020 3404 2411
WiseTech Global
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- Customs Declaration Service for exports
- simplified declarations for imports
- simplified declarations for exports
For more information contact them by:
- email:
- telephone: 08451 255 211
Find out more about the software available on the WiseTech Global website.
Declaration software provided:
- Customs Declaration Service for imports
- simplified declarations for imports
For more information contact Jan-Marten de Jong by:
- email:
- mobile: 07823 336 511
Software developer services
Find out more about software developer services on the Association of Freight Software Suppliers website.
You can also contact them by:
- email:
- mobile: 07484 856 368
Updates to this page
The list of software developers providing declaration software has been updated with one removal.
The list of software developers providing declaration software has been updated with one amendment.
The list of software developers providing declaration software has been updated with one removal.
The list of software developers providing declaration software has been updated with one amendment.
The list of software developers providing declaration software has been updated with one new entry.
References to Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system have been removed as all import and export declarations must now be made through the Customs Declaration Service. An entry for a software developer who provides CHIEF declaration software has been removed.
The list of software developers providing declaration software has been updated with one new entry.
The list of software developers providing declaration software has been updated with 1 new entry and 1 amendment.
The list of software developers providing declaration software has been updated with 1 new entry and 6 amendments.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been removed.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing declaration software has been updated to include Maritime Cargo Processing plc (MCP).
The contact details for a software developer on the list have been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
Details for a new software developer has been added to the list
The Customs Declaration Service software available for software developers has been updated to specify for imports or exports.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
Details for 2 new software developers have been added to the list.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
The details for a software developer have been added to the list. The declaration software available for a software developer on the list has also been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
An entry for a software developer who provides declaration software has been updated.
The software provider names for 2 software developers on the list have been updated. The declaration software available for a software developer on the list has been updated.
The declaration software available for a software developer on the list have been updated.
The declaration software available for a software developer on the list have been updated.
The declaration software available for a software developer on the list have been updated.
The details for a software developer have been added to the list.
Details for 2 new software developers have been added to the list.
The details for a software developer have been added to the list.
The details for a software developer has been removed from the list.
The software provider name and the declaration software available for a software developer on the list has been updated.
The website address for a software developer on the list has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The contact details for a software developer on the list have been updated.
The declaration software available for a software developer on the list have been updated.
The contact details for a software developer on the list have been updated.
The details for a software developer have been added to the list. The details for a software developer already on the list have been updated.
The contact details for a software developer on the list have been updated.
The contact details for a software developer on the list have been updated.
The phone number for a software developer on the list has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of declaration software available from software providers has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of declaration software available from software providers has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of Software developers providing customs declaration software and List of software providers for simplified declarations for imports have been updated.
The list of software providers for simplified declarations for imports has been updated with one addition.
The list of Software developers providing customs declaration software and List of software providers for simplified declarations for imports have been updated.
The list of software providers for simplified declarations for imports has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration software has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration support has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration support has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration support has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration support has been updated.
The list of software developers providing customs declaration support has been updated.
List of software developers providing customs declaration support has been updated.
The list of software providers for simplified declarations for imports has been updated with 3 amendments.
List of software developers providing customs declaration support has been updated.
List of software developers providing customs declaration support has been updated.
Added a company to the list of software providers for simplified declarations for imports.
List of software developers providing customs declaration support have been updated.
Updated to include link to the software developer support team email.
First published.