Ministry of Defence policies to tackle unacceptable behaviour
Policies and measures to tackle unacceptable behaviour across Defence, including ways to respond and report it.
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is taking decisive steps to keep our people and the public safe, by introducing new policies and measures to tackle unacceptable behaviour.
Unacceptable behaviour has no place in Defence and will not be tolerated. These behaviours do not represent the vast majority of talented, brave and hardworking personnel who serve across our services, and who continue to uphold the high values and standards that is expected of them (British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, Civil Service or the basic principles for working in Defence).
A series of new measures provide all Defence civilian and military personnel with robust and clearer direction to prevent and address incidents. They outline what unacceptable behaviour is, how to respond and report it, and where personnel can find more advice and guidance through internal communication channels.
Recently published measures include the:
- Zero Tolerance to Unacceptable Sexual Behaviour: A Victim/Survivor focussed approach Policy
- Zero Tolerance to Unacceptable Sexual Offences and Sexual relationships between Instructors and Trainees
- Zero Tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) Policy (JSP 769)
- Tackling Sexual Offending in Defence Strategy
The measures make it clear that supporting victims/survivors is a Defence priority. They also provide personnel with greater confidence to raise complaints, and believe action will be taken without fear of it impacting them or their career for doing so.
Every allegation will receive prompt and efficient investigation, with appropriate, consistent, and robust consequences for people whose behaviour falls below the high standards of conduct the Ministry of Defence demands. This can include administrative, disciplinary, criminal action, or termination of employment and/or discharge from the Armed Forces.
The measures are part of an extensive programme of work being delivered across Defence to improve the day-to-day experience of Defence’s workforce, and the people who we protect and support in the UK and abroad. It also forms part of the announcement, which outlines the range of implemented measures and upcoming initiatives that will continue the delivery of meaningful and enduring change.
Policies and measures to tackle, prevent and report unacceptable behaviour
Joint Service Publication (JSP) documents are produced by the MOD and are publicly available. Defence personnel can find a full list of JSPs on internal systems by searching ‘JSPs’.
- JSP 763: The MOD Behaviours and Informal Complaints Resolution Policy: A guide for all MOD service and civilian personnel on behaviours and the informal complaints resolution process.
- JSP 831: Redress of individual grievances: service complaints: A guide for MOD service and civilian personnel on the application of policy for service complaints.
- Armed Forces Service Complaints process: Information about how to make a UK Armed Forces Service Complaint.
- Zero Tolerance to Unacceptable Sexual Behaviour: A Victim/Survivor focused approach policy. Applies to all Armed Forces personnel.
- Zero Tolerance to Unacceptable Sexual Offences and Sexual relationships between Instructors and Trainees. Applies to all Armed Forces personnel.
- JSP 769: Zero Tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) Policy. Applies all MOD service and civilian personnel.
- Tackling Sexual Offending in Defence Strategy: Applies to all Armed Forces personnel.
- Commanding officers guide (manual of service law: JSP 830 volume 1): A guide to the legislation and reference material on the Armed Forces Act 2006.
- The Military Court Service: Provides a criminal court service for the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force in the Court Martial, Summary Appeal Court and Service Civilian Court.
- MOD Serious Crime Unit: Information on Defence’s judge-led review into how allegations of serious criminal wrongdoing are raised and investigated in the Armed Forces.
Reporting unacceptable behaviour
Everyone working in Defence must call out or report behaviour that falls short of Defence’s high standards and values.
Ways to informally and formally respond and report instances can be found by searching ‘Reporting Unacceptable Behaviour’ in Defence internal communication channels. Some options include:
The Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Helpline. It’s confidential and independent of Defence, open 24/7, 365 days a year for military and civilian personnel:
- Freephone 0800 014 2381 (UK) or +44 330 008 5942 (Overseas)
The Confidential Hotline for whistleblowing and raising a concern:
- 0800 161 3665 (STD) or +44 1371 85 4881 (Overseas)
If criminal behaviour has occurred, this should be brought to the attention of either:
The Service Police
- 02392 285 170/80
MOD police
- 0300 1232 101
Or Local Civilian police.
Looking for support or advice?
If you have been affected by any of the issues raised, details of internal and external organisations that offer advice and support are below.
To find a full list of MOD support and advice organisations, search ‘Call it out - Reporting Unacceptable Behaviour’ on internal systems. Some of the options like The Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Helpline and The Confidential hotline are listed above.
External organisations can include:
- Citizen’s Advice can offer general support on 0800 144 8848 (England) or 0800 702 2020 (Wales)
- The Samaritans can offer general emotional support on 116 123 or
For those affected by sexual / domestic violence, there is range of support available, including:
- Victim Support (0808 168 9111)
- Women’s Aid (0808 200 0247)
- Survivors UK (0203 5983 898 or
- Rape Crisis (0808 802 9999)
- Local Sexual Assault Referral Centre
For those affected by or dealing with domestic abuse, there is a range of support available:
- National Centre for Domestic Violence (0800 970 2070)
- The Men’s Advice Line (0808 8010327)
- Respect (0203 5596 650 /