
Malaria RL: reference, diagnostic and advisory services

The malaria reference laboratory provides reference and diagnostic parasitology of malaria, with surveillance of all imported malaria reported in the UK.

We no longer use a fax service. Do not attempt to fax information to the laboratory. Fax details will be removed from referral forms and handbooks at next review.

The malaria reference laboratory (Malaria RL) provides reference and diagnostic parasitology of malaria, with surveillance of all imported malaria reported in the UK.

The results of this work are used to develop national policy on preventing imported malaria.

National policy is disseminated and implemented by Malaria RL laboratory staff:

  • writing articles for medical, pharmaceutical and lay audiences
  • briefing the media
  • contributing to continuing medical education for doctors and practice nurses
  • responding to telephone queries from health professionals and the public

These laboratory functions are supported in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) by a programme of basic research in the UK and of applied research and development in endemic countries. On a smaller scale in the UK, activities are linked to an advisory service on international malaria control.

Advisory service

Email your risk assessment query to MRL

Doctors, practice nurses, and other healthcare professionals may email malaria prophylaxis queries to Malaria RL using the Malaria risk assessment form.

Complete forms electronically if possible, and email to MRL will reply within 3 working days.

For urgent requests, the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) provides a telephone advice service for health professionals on 0845 602 6712.

Malaria RL guidance and forms

Malaria prevention advice for the general public

Members of the general public should consult a health professional, for example, their GP or a travel health adviser, for malaria prevention and other travel health advice specific to their particular travel plans.

A malaria advice leaflet is available for those travelling overseas.

Travellers may also wish to read the Malaria prevention guidelines for British travellers by the Advisory Committee on Malaria Prevention (ACMP). But these resources aren’t a substitute for a consultation with a health professional.


Malaria reference laboratory (Malaria RL)

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street

Telephone (for diagnostic laboratory only) 020 7927 2427

Updates to this page

Published 22 November 2007
Last updated 10 August 2023 show all updates
  1. Updated to reflect discontinuation of fax service.

  2. First published.

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