Malaria reference laboratory (Malaria RL)
Malaria RL provides laboratory reference and diagnostic parasitology of malaria, and surveillance data on all imported malaria reported in the UK.
Information regarding malaria incidents, announcements and guidance amendments is available on GOV.UK.
Malaria reference laboratory
The malaria reference laboratory (MRL) provides an extensive service to users in the UK, including:
- malaria diagnosis
- epidemiological data
- prophylaxis advice to health professionals (risk assessment forms should be sent by email to
- technical advice on methodology and laboratory procedures
A UKAS accredited medical laboratory No. 9148
Dawn Britten
Quality Manager
Malaria Reference Laboratory
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street
Telephone (for diagnostic laboratory only) 020 7927 2427
Updates to this page
Added link to malaria news and updates.
Added notice about discontinuation of proguanil in the UK.
Added notice about reported increases in malaria cases in Sudan and the impact of current civil unrest.
Added notice about the first identification of Plasmodium falciparum artemisinin resistance in the UK.
Added temporary change to malaria advice for travellers to Pakistan.
Added statement about current malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT) supply situation.
Added Christmas closure notice and customer questionnaire.
Removed update about service provision.
Added update about service provision.
Updated contact details for Malaria Reference Laboratory (Malaria RL).
First published.