
Clearing goods entering, leaving or transiting the UK

Get your goods cleared by the National Clearance Hub when moving goods into, out of, or through the UK.

The National Clearance Hub handles the movement and processing of goods moving into, out of, or through the UK.

The National Clearance Hub is also responsible for the control and amendment of declarations after clearance. This service is available from 9am to 5pm.

The main responsibilities of the National Clearance Hub are:

  • processing import and export declarations selected for further checks
  • inputting manual requests for export arrival and departure loading information
  • controlling un-entered goods for inventory linked ports and airports
  • authorising and amending inventory records and removals
  • the control of goods imported under specific import regimes

Before you start

Declarations are dealt with in the order that they’re presented at the National Clearance Hub and we do not give priority to specific locations or type of goods, including perishables.

If your declaration is selected for a documentary check, you will need to submit all supporting documents, such as:

  • evidence of the goods’ value
  • packing list of all items included
  • any licenses or certificates

You should clearly show what the goods are when you submit your documents if your goods are:

  • fireworks and explosives
  • live animals
  • human remains

Evidence of value

You must send enough documentation to prove the value of the total consignment.

When submitting multi-invoice declarations, you should send all the invoices relating to each entry declaration or send a one-page summary detailing (for each of the goods items) the:

  • invoice number
  • description of goods
  • number of pieces
  • currency
  • value

Packing lists

Where a declaration is accompanied by a number of packing lists, you can submit the schedule to the National Clearance Hub with all other appropriate documentation.

Multi-item declarations or multi-importer or exporter declarations

If a declaration that is selected for a check has multiple lines, you should contact the National Clearance Hub to find out what needs to be sent for clearance.

Pre-lodgement declarations

After pre-lodgement but before arrival of the vessel or goods into the UK, you must submit copies of the (accepted) hold import declaration and any supporting documents to the National Clearance Hub, with a separate entry declaration for each number.

Pre-lodgement of declarations will be limited to 5 days before the expected or scheduled arrival of the vessel or goods. This period includes weekends and bank holidays.

Sending supporting documents for a customs check to clear your goods

You can submit documents to the National Clearance Hub to clear your goods if they’re selected for a customs check. Upload your documents and get messages for the Customs Declaration Service.

After you’ve sent your supporting documents

If you’ve received a message instructing you to provide documents that we need, the arrived goods should be cleared within 2 hours for:

  • air freight imports
  • road freight imports
  • ‘short strait’ (roll on roll off) imports
  • all exports

Marine freight imports will be cleared:

  • within 3 hours if we receive the documents between 8am and 3pm
  • by 8am the following day if we receive the documents after 3pm

We will give a higher priority to items such as live animals and human remains.

Clearance and post-clearance will take longer for strategic exports because:

  • strategic checks are more complex
  • post-clearance checks are not time critical

Contact the National Clearance Hub if you need help using the service.

Queried National Clearance Hub declarations

If a query is raised by the National Clearance Hub about your goods the query will be sent to your secure inbox on the online service, which is accessed from upload documents and get messages for the Customs Declaration Service.

Responding to queries through the secure 2-way messaging should prevent any delays which would occur if you do not reply.

If you need to change an import declaration following a query, then you will need to send an amendment to change your declaration.

If you need to cancel an import entry declaration you need to request cancellation with reason for request for the National Clearance Hub to approve.

This does not apply to Pre-Lodged declarations that have not been arrived.

If you need to change an export declaration following a query, you must check with your software provider that they have the functionality to allow this. If your provider cannot do this, you will need to cancel and resubmit your declaration.

Declarations subject to post-clearance checks

All original documentation must arrive at the National Clearance Hub for post-clearance action within 3 working days from the date and time of clearance. This time limit does not apply to pre-lodged declarations. A freepost service is available to help you meet this requirement.

For bulk EUR1s, ATR1s and GSP certificates, you should send the original document with the first declaration. Subsequent declarations should be accompanied by a copy of the appropriate preference certificate. Box 44 of the declaration should show the entry number to which the original has been attached.

You should use A4 envelopes if possible, and declarations should be sent to the National Clearance Hub each day. Declarations received will be audited and there are penalties for not complying with these requirements.

Keeping records

Keep all records for 4 years.

You can store documentary evidence electronically if you can produce a copy of the original document from it. You must keep paper copies that contain original stamps or watermarks, for example preference certificates.

HMRC will keep original declarations and supporting documents only if they’ve been pre-lodged with the National Clearance Hub for clearance.

Contacting the National Clearance Hub

To get help with submitted declarations you can contact the National Clearance Hub.

Import and export helpline

For import, export general enquires call the Imports and exports: general enquiries helpline.


If you need to you can make a complaint to HMRC online or by phone.

Updates to this page

Published 2 August 2012
Last updated 20 August 2024 show all updates
  1. References to CHIEF have been removed from the guidance as CHIEF has been decommissioned.

  2. Guidance on Customs Input Entries (CIE) has been removed, as the CIE team has ceased operations.

  3. Added translation

  4. More information about what to do after you’ve sent your supporting documents has been added.

  5. The section 'After you’ve submitted' has been updated with time limits for air freight imports, road freight imports, marine freight imports and exports.

  6. Welsh translation added.

  7. More information about 'Sending supporting documents for a customs check to clear your goods' has been added.

  8. This page has been updated because the Brexit transition period has ended.

  9. This page has been updated with information on the Customs Declaration Service.

  10. When you send your paperwork to the National Clearance Hub you’ll also need to send an NCH1 form in every instance.

  11. The contact telephone number for the National Clearance Hub Route 3 Car Team has been updated.

  12. New contact email address added to section 'Contacting the NCH' for enquiries on transfer of residence.

  13. Mention of withdrawn form 'Import and export: import of private motor vehicle from outside the EC (C104A)' changed to new form 'Application for Transfer of Residence (ToR) relief (ToR01)'.

  14. The Importation of motor vehicles using the National Clearance Hub Service Level Agreement was changed from 3 days to 10 days from 1 December 2015.

  15. Link to 'Import and export: trader submission form header for declarations (NCH1)' added to the guide.

  16. Fixing references to specialist guides

  17. First published.

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