Pay the Spirit Drinks Verification Scheme fee
How to pay your verification fee for the Spirit Drinks Verification Scheme, and how long it takes for your payment to reach HMRC.
If you apply to join the Spirit Drinks Verification Scheme, you’ll need to pay a fee. Check how much your verification fee will be for:
- Scotch Whisky
- Irish Whiskey, Irish Cream or Irish Poteen
- Somerset Cider Brandy
- Single Malt Welsh Whisky
The verification fee is non-refundable and outside the scope of VAT.
Why you need to pay
HMRC manages the verification scheme with the intention of recovering only our administration costs each financial year. These include:
- salaries
- overhead costs of staff carrying out verification work
- staff travel expenses
The fees charged for UK processes are reviewed every year to make sure that charges match the verification scheme costs to HMRC. Fees are adjusted every 2 years to:
- cover the expected costs of the scheme
- account for any deficits or surpluses
- provide equity during the 2-year rolling programme of verification visits
We’ll publish any changes to the fees in the relevant technical guidance, and issue invoices to you for the verification fees using the information you have given on your application.
HMRC will consult the industry if substantial changes are needed to the fee structure.
When to pay
After you’ve applied to join the scheme, or submitted an Undertaking for Scotch Whisky, we’ll send you an invoice covering your fee for registration and verification.
You’ll need to pay your fee:
- before a verification visit can be arranged if you’re a producer in the UK
- within 30 days of the date on the invoice
If the deadline is on a weekend or bank holiday, make sure your payment reaches HMRC by the end of the previous working day.
If you do not pay
You’ll receive one reminder that your invoice is unpaid. If your payment is not received:
- you’ll not receive your verification visit if you’re a producer in the UK
- you’ll be treated as non-compliant from the date we give you
- details of your verified production facilities will be amended, removed or not included on the Spirit Drinks Verification (SDV) Look-up Facility service
- any products produced after the date we give you will not be verified — details will be amended, removed or not included on the list of verified brands on the look-up service
- we may tell the designated enforcement authority
What you need
You’ll need your 14-number reference (for example, 18000012345678).
You can find this on the invoice HMRC sent to you after you applied for the Spirit Drinks Verification Scheme.
If you use an incorrect reference number there will be a delay in the payment being allocated correctly.
Pay online
You can pay by approving a payment through your online bank account by selecting the ‘pay by bank account’ option.
You will be directed to sign in to your online or mobile banking account to approve your payment.
You will need to have your online banking details to hand to pay this way.
The payment is usually instant but can take up to 2 hours to show in your bank account.
Pay by bank transfer
If you pay by CHAPS (Clearing House Automated Payment System) or Faster Payments, your payment will be received on the same or next working day.
If you pay by Bacs (Bankers Automated Clearing System), allow 3 working days for the payment to reach HMRC.
We recommend you check your bank’s processing times and maximum transaction limits before you pay.
Account details to use if your account is in the UK
Use the following details to make a payment if your account is in the UK:
- sort code — 20 50 46
- account number — 73987795
- account name — HMRC Accounts Receivable Receipts
Account details to use if your account is overseas
Use the following details to make a payment if your account is overseas:
- account number (IBAN) — GB61 BARC 2050 4673 9877 95
- Business Identifier Code (BIC) — BARCGB22
- account name — HMRC Accounts Receivable Receipts
You should make overseas payments in sterling (GBP). Your bank may charge you if you use any other currency.
If needed, you can provide your bank with the following HMRC banking address:
Barclays Bank plc
1 Churchill Place
United Kingdom
E14 5HP
Updates to this page
Page updated to include references to Single Malt Welsh Whisky.
You can now pay the Spirit Drinks Verification Scheme fee using your online or mobile bank account.
Overseas payment details updated.
First published.