How to pay duties and VAT on imports from outside of the UK
Choose how to pay Customs Duty, excise duties and VAT.
You can make payments using the Customs Declaration Service.
If you make a declaration you will:
- receive a statement
- require a direct debit
Use a duty deferment account
A duty deferment account lets you make one payment a month by Direct Debit. You do not need to make payments for individual consignments.
You can apply for a duty deferment account if you do not have one already.
Having a duty deferment account means:
you delay paying the charges for an average of 30 days
- you do not have to pay immediately each time you want to clear your goods
- HMRC can normally clear your goods more quickly because they do not have to handle payments for each transaction
- you can get copies of your duty deferment statements
You can also make top up payments in your account.
Set up cash accounting
If you have access to the Customs Declaration Service, you can use cash accounting to pay for Customs Duty and import VAT when you make a declaration.
Use a general guarantee account
You can use a use a general guarantee account to cover amounts due on goods you import. You can provide multiple guarantees from the same account.
Guarantees may be needed if you declare goods for Temporary Admission or the value of duty is disputed or unknown.
Authorise someone to use your deferment, cash or guarantee account
If you hire a person or business to deal with customs for you, you can give authority for them to use your deferment, cash or guarantee account.
You can set up or view an authority on the Customs Declaration Service.
Make immediate payments
You can use immediate payment methods to pay what you owe now.
Use postponed VAT accounting
Postponed VAT accounting lets you declare and recover import VAT on your VAT Return.
You can check when you can account for import VAT on your VAT Return.
Get an import VAT certificate
If you’re registered for UK VAT, check how to get your import VAT certificate (C79).
If you’ve not used postponed VAT accounting, you will need this certificate to claim import VAT as input tax on your VAT Return.
Updates to this page
References to Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system have been removed as all import declarations must now be made through the Customs Declaration Service .
Updated to show you can use the flexible accounting system when your goods move across the UK border if you want to pay by bank transfer, guaranteed cheque or bank draft and are using the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system.
New sections 'Postponed VAT accounting' and 'Customs Declaration Service' added.
This page has been updated because the Brexit transition period has ended.
New section 'From 1 January 2021' has been added.
First published.