
PHE data and analysis tools

Data and analysis tools from across Public Health England (previously known as the 'Data and knowledge gateway').

This guidance was withdrawn on

This resource is in development and will be added to over time, so let us know if you do not find the information you need or if you would like to give feedback.

About this resource

What it does

Public Health England (PHE) provides many high quality data and analysis tools and resources for public health professionals. The PHE data and knowledge gateway provides direct access to these resources.

Who it is for

The resources help local government and health service professionals make decisions and plans to improve people’s health and reduce inequalities in their area. They can be used by anyone with an interest in understanding the health of the population and how it varies across the country.

Restricted access content

You don’t need to login to access most tools. However, some tools require eligible users to register and log in, to protect certain types of data. Information about how to register will be available on the individual resource web page.

Types of content

The resources cover a wide range of public health areas, including:

  • specific health conditions – such as cancer, mental health, cardiovascular disease
  • lifestyle risk factors – such as smoking, alcohol and obesity
  • wider determinants of health – such as environment, housing and deprivation
  • health protection, and differences between population groups, including adults, older people, and children

The tools were produced by organisations that are now part of PHE, including public health observatories, the Health Protection Agency, cancer registries, UK screening programmes and the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse.

Future plans

This resource links to the content on these former organisations’ websites. This will be added to over time to cover a wider range of tool types and topics.

Longer term, the plan is to bring all the data and analytical content from these websites together.

Getting help

Use the help and guidance provided within each specific tool. If you have questions about a specific tool, please use the contact details on the website for that tool.

A to Z list

View an alphabetical list of the data and analysis tools.



CancerData Incidence

CancerData Mortality

CancerData Survival

Cancer Services profiles

Cancer Patient Experience

National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service

National General Practice Profiles

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular Disease profiles

Guide to cardiovascular data and analysis for health professionals

Child and maternal health

Child and maternal health data and intelligence: a guide for health professionals

Key Data on Young People

Comparison, practice and performance

Atlas of variation in healthcare 2015

National General Practice Profiles

NHS RightCare Intelligence products

Public Health Outcomes Framework

Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE) (login or registration required)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 cases in the UK dashboard updated daily

COVID-19 Health Inequalities Monitoring in England Tool (CHIME)

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report

Excess mortality in England: weekly reports

Wider impacts of COVID-19 on health monitoring tool

COVID-19: impacts on health a collection of resources and publications


Guide to dementia data and analysis for health professionals

Dementia Profile

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco

Alcohol learning centre data tools

Healthier lives: drugs and alcohol

Information on drug and alcohol treatments (NDTMS) (login or registration required)

Liver Disease Profiles

Local Alcohol Profiles for England (LAPE)

Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England

General health profiles

Global Burden of Disease study 2016

Public Health Profiles

Local Health

Health economics and return on investment

Guide to health economics and return on investment (ROI) for public health teams

Health impact assessment

Health impact assessment (HIA)

Health inequalities

Inequalities Calculation Tool

Inequality Tools

Marmot Indicators

Potential Years of Life Lost Tool

Health protection

Health Protection

Healthy ageing

Productive Healthy Ageing Profile

Injuries and violence

Injury profiles for England

Learning disabilities

Learning Disability Profiles

People with learning disabilities in England

Reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability

Mental health

Guide to mental health data and analysis for health professionals Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology

Neurological conditions

Guide to neurology data and analysis for health professionals

Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology

Obesity, diet and physical activity

Child obesity

NCMP and Child Obesity Profile

National patterns and trends in childhood obesity: presentation

Regional patterns and trends in child obesity: presentations

National child measurement programme (NCMP): trends in child BMI between 2006 to 2007 and 2018 to 2019

Adult obesity

Adult excess weight: patterns and trends

Adult obesity regional trends: moving map

Change in the distribution of body mass index (BMI) in adults 1993 to 2018: animated chart


Child diet patterns and trends: presentation

Adult diet patterns and trends: presentation

Physical activity

Physical Activity profile

Child physical activity patterns and trends: presentation


Standard evaluation framework: weight management (2018)

Standard evaluation frameworks: physical activity and diet

Website archive

Obesity knowledge and intelligence archive

Oral health

Oral health

Oral health profile

Palliative and end of life care

Palliative and End of Life Care Profiles

Palliative and end of life care collection of resources and publications


Population screening: data and intelligence

Sexual health

HIV and STI web portal Sign in required

Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles

Wider determinants of health

Wider Determinants of Health profile

Contact us

Please send your feedback about these data and analysis tools to

Updates to this page

Published 1 April 2013
Last updated 20 May 2021 show all updates
  1. Added link to COVID-19 Health Inequalities Monitoring in England Tool (CHIME).

  2. Added links to moving map and an animated chart under the Adult Obesity Section.

  3. Removed 'Adult obesity: patterns and trends' from the adult obesity section.

  4. Added Coronavirus (COVID-19) section.

  5. Added 'National patterns and trends in childhood obesity: presentation', 'Regional patterns and trends in child obesity: presentations and 'Adult obesity patterns and trends: presentation'.

  6. Added link to Palliative and end of life care collection page. Added Productive healthy ageing profiles. Added 2 links within the Learning disabilities section.

  7. Updated links in the 'Obesity, diet and physical activity' section.

  8. Updated 'Childhood obesity patterns and trends presentation'.

  9. Added link to slide presentation on trends in children’s body mass index between 2006 to 2007 and 2016 to 2017.

  10. Added 'Child physical activity patterns and trends: presentation' link under Adult and Child Obesity section.

  11. Revised links under Adult and Child Obesity section

  12. Added 'adult obesity trends moving map' under 'Obesity, diet and physical activity'.

  13. Added links to regional child obesity patterns and trends presentations.

  14. Added links to SlideShare for 'Adult diet patterns and trends' and 'Child diet patterns and trends'.

  15. Added link to 'Adult obesity patterns and trends: presentation’.

  16. Replaced links beneath Child and maternal health with link to new guidance.

  17. Added link to guidance on health economics and return on investment tools.

  18. Added links to new guidance on cardiovascular, dementia, mental health and neurology data and analysis tools.

  19. Updated child and maternal health links.

  20. Updated list of tools for mental health.

  21. Updated list of tools for mental health.

  22. Updated list of tools for: child and maternal health; mental health.

  23. Updated list of data tools for child health.

  24. Added links to profiles for: Common mental health disorders; community mental health; neurology; severe mental illness and; suicide prevention.

  25. First published.

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