Post-licensure vaccine services
VDEC provides a number of services for vaccines post-licensure
The Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre (VDEC) supports scientists at every stage of the vaccine and therapeutic medicine development process including in the post-licensure phase.
Work with VDEC
We work with industry, academia and government. Contact UKHSA today to see how we can help you.
What we can offer
VDEC currently supports the UK’s annual influenza vaccine batch release by offering a range of compliant studies, including to good laboratory practice (GLP) or good manufacturing practice (GMP) as appropriate. These include:
- phase IV study support, including immunogenicity and antisera studies
- sero and molecular surveillance
- support batch release testing for licensed vaccines
- the development of potency tests to support vaccine release plus release of developmental vaccines
- stability studies

Equipment at our Porton Down laboratory
The post-licensure phase ensures that vaccines continue to be safe and effective.