
Prepare for a review panel: adoption agencies and fostering service providers

A summary for caseworkers and line managers of what attending an IRM review panel is like, including the documents you’ll need to submit.

Applies to England

All IRM review panels will be held remotely.

There’s separate information about the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) and review panels on our about us webpage.

When you’ll become involved

You’ll be contacted by us if a foster carer, prospective foster carer, adopter or prospective adopter has applied for a review panel.

Foster carers and adopters can ask for a review if they disagree with the qualifying determination letter you sent.

We’ll ask you to:

  • nominate a liaison officer for the case
  • submit a copy of the qualifying determination letter
  • provide documents for the review panel

It will usually take about 4 months to complete a case.

Documents for the review panel

Once we’ve accepted an application from a foster carer or adopter, we’ll send you a letter to confirm acceptance and request documents.

You should then follow these steps to submit the documents the review panel will need.

Documents you’ll need to send us

You’ll need to send us:

  • all the information relating to the foster carer or adopter’s case detailed in the letter
  • medical information, if requested (we’ll get consent from applicants to disclose this)

You’ll need to send all documents within 10 working days.

We’ll review all documents with an IRM caseworker and IRM legal adviser.

What you should not send

Do not send us your panel meeting minutes relating to the case. This is so the IRM panel can consider the case afresh.

Requesting additional information

We’ll often ask you for additional information after reviewing the documents. You’ll need to send all documents within 10 working days.

We’ll sometimes ask an IRM medical adviser for additional advice. This will be presented at the panel meeting but will not be shared with you, the adopter or foster carer.

The medical adviser may also be present during the review panel meeting.

Documents you’ll receive from us

You and the adopter or foster carer will receive panel papers by email 2 weeks before the review panel takes place.

The IRM panel papers

The IRM panel papers will also consider confidential information, like medical records or information submitted by third parties.

Confidential information will not be included in the panel papers that foster carers or adopters receive if you have indicated that it should not be.

You will not receive copies of the legal or medical advice provided to the IRM review panel.

Attending a review panel

You can send up to 2 representatives. It’s helpful if the original caseworker and the caseworker’s line manager attend. The agency decision maker cannot attend the review panel. Make sure you have access to copies of records if you need them.

All IRM review panels are held remotely using video conferencing. You will be sent an email a few days before the review panel with a link to join the virtual panel and some further instructions. When you join the virtual panel, you will enter a virtual waiting room until the panel host admits you to the panel. You will not be able to see anyone else in the waiting room.


A review panel will last for about 3 hours but some cases will take longer.

What to expect during the review panel

During the review panel the panel will ask:

  • the applicant questions about their case
  • ask you and other agency representatives questions

At the end of the IRM panel, you will also be able to make:

  • some additional brief comments
  • brief comments on the answers from the applicants

When the panel has finished, the panel host will transfer you back to the virtual waiting room. The panel host may need to readmit you to the panel to answer further questions or to clarify certain points. The panel host will let you know when the review is over and when you’re free to leave.

How the review panel reaches a recommendation

The review panel will make a recommendation based on:

  • the information considered by the original panel
  • any additional information the applicants submitted to the review panel
  • any relevant information the agency received after they sent papers to the agency panel
  • the application to the IRM and reasons for the application
  • any other information the IRM requests from the applicant or the agency
  • any medical advice the IRM obtains
  • any legal advice the IRM obtains

People involved in a review panel

Adopters or foster carers

The foster carer or adopter can also attend the IRM panel but they do not have to.

If foster carers or adopters choose not to attend, they cannot send someone else like a lawyer or family member to attend on their behalf.

Adopters and foster carers can bring a supporter, but their supporter is not allowed to take part, speak on behalf of or intervene in the panel.

The IRM may also provide an interpreter for adopters or foster carers who request one.

The panel

The panel is made up of at least 5 voting members who have professional or personal experience of child placements.

The panel is independent of the agency.

We’ll let you know who will be on the IRM panel so you can notify us if you think there could be a conflict of interest.

Panel adviser

The panel adviser provides advice on legislation and gives guidance to ensure that the panel:

  • considers all relevant issues
  • follows the correct procedures

The panel adviser is a non-voting member.

Medical practitioner

A medical practitioner may give the panel written advice and attend the review panel if the panel asks.

A legal adviser will give the panel written advice and will be available on the phone during the review panel.

Panel secretary

The panel secretary takes minutes and is a non-voting member.

Panel host

The panel host will send you an email to attend a review panel remotely. They will admit you to the virtual waiting room and then to address the panel. The panel host is a full member of the panel.

After the review panel is over

7 working days after the review panel, you will be emailed the panel’s recommendation with the minutes from the panel following on the 10th working day (the minutes will not be a full (verbatim) record of what was discussed in the meeting). These will either emailed or posted depending on whether the foster carers or adopters have access to email as they are sent to them at the same time.

Information supplied in confidence from third parties about foster carers or adopters was discussed at the review panel without foster carers or adopters being present will be removed from the applicant’s copy of the minutes.

Feedback sheet

Your liaison officer will be sent a feedback sheet from the IRM panel which comments on agency practice, policy and procedures. This will not be shared with the foster carers or adopters.

Making a final decision

Your agency decision maker (ADM) must:

  1. Consider all the information made available during the review panel process.

  2. Consider the IRM panel’s recommendation.

  3. Reconsider the original agency panel’s recommendation.

  4. Make a final decision within 12 working days of receiving the IRM panel’s recommendation.

  5. Send the final decision to the foster carer or adopter.

  6. Send a copy of the final decision to the IRM.

Your ADM’s decision is final.

Foster carers and adopters cannot appeal your decision.

Complaints and appeals

If a foster carer or adopter disagrees with your final decision then they should:

  • follow your agency’s complaints procedure
  • seek legal advice

Foster carers and adopters cannot complain about or appeal to the IRM about the IRM panel’s recommendation or your ADM’s final decision.

If you disagree with the panel’s recommendation

You cannot complain about or appeal to IRM about the panel’s recommendation. There’s a separate complaints procedure you can use if you want to complain about IRM or issues relating to the case.


Independent Review Mechanism

PO Box 572


Phone 0113 202 2080

Phone lines are open between 9:30am and 12:30pm, Monday to Friday. Where possible, consider contacting us by email.

Updates to this page

Published 31 July 2020
Last updated 29 July 2022 show all updates
  1. Updated the 'After the review panel is over' section to change 12 working days to 7 working days.

  2. First published.

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