
Price Paid Data: Standard reports

Get house price reports for specific areas within England and Wales.

Applies to England and Wales

Create free reports from the individual house price records of all residential property sales in England and Wales lodged with us for registration since 1 January 1995. Our data contains more than 25 million definitive records and is updated with thousands of new sales every month, though some data is excluded from reports.

Reports can show aggregated data for any:

  • region
  • county
  • district or London borough
  • postcode area: such as GL
  • postcode district: such as GL1
  • postcode sector: such as GL1 2

Separate reports are available for old and new properties and price bands. All reports are in Excel and CSV format.

When using or publishing our Standard Report Data

Standard Report Data is available free of charge and is available for use and re-use under the Open Government Licence (OGL). This licence allows public bodies to make their data available for re-use.

You need to make sure you understand the terms of the OGL before using the data.

If you use or publish our Standard Report Data, you must add the following attribution statement:

Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2019. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

By downloading Standard Report Data you are agreeing to these conditions.

Browser support

As of April 2014, HM Land Registry no longer tests new application software releases against Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8. Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 onwards, Safari 7 onwards and the latest version of any browsers which automatically update, such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are supported.

Guidance on searching the data

We try to make sure that our public data is as accurate as possible, but cannot guarantee that it is free from errors. Our Standard Reports are based on data collected at the time a property transaction was registered with us and will not necessarily be up to date with the most recent information. Because data is captured at the time of registration, updates to counties or postcodes will not be shown on sales before the changes took effect.

In order to get a more comprehensive report for your location criteria, you may need to try several things:

  • try using your location in both town/city and district. Often a metropolitan district can cover more than one town or city
  • try multiple searches using both the most recent and previously used towns/counties, eg Bristol/City of Bristol?
  • use variations in district in order to reflect changes in administrative areas. Over time district may have changed for an address for a number of reasons. The district name may have changed, the area might have been transferred to another authority or the area might have become a unitary authority.
    For example, transactions for a property in Saltash, Cornwall dating before April 2009 will be shown as district: Caradon (the former district) whilst more recent transactions will be shown as district: Cornwall (the current unitary authority)
  • use various levels of searches to find specific areas. For example, despite the name, Princetown is a village on Dartmoor in Devon. For postal purposes, it’s part of the town of Yelverton. Both are within the Plymouth postcode area and within the postcode district of PL20 which includes several other settlements on and around Dartmoor.
  • If you enter a postcode that doesn’t exist the report will run but you will be presented with a blank report.

The difference between ‘transactions’ and ‘properties’

Transactions relate to the number of sales which have been returned. A property can transact more than once in the time period searched. Our data is derived from all residential property transactions registered with HM Land Registry since January 1995. Read the list of exclusions for further information.

Date of your report

When you request create a new report it will be dated with the current date, there is one caveat to this, we use caching of frequently requested reports to improve your experience.

If you request a report that has already been requested this month we will draw it from the cache, so the date on the report will be the date it was put into the cache, not the current date.

Download search results into a spreadsheet

You will be given options to download your results in Excel and csv format.

The significance of the Beta status

This search facility has been developed using customer feedback and user testing, we continue to encourage feedback on these new offerings. The beta status allows us to review the offerings and make changes to the current format.

While we are still in beta there will be a limited Welsh translation of the search facilities. While our main information page will be provided in Welsh language the wording on the search pages will not be while we are still reviewing the pages.

Contact us

To find out more about this service, please contact:

Data Services Team

HM Land Registry
Rosebrae Court
Woodside Ferry Approach
CH41 6DU


Contact form https://customerhelp.l...

Telephone 0300 006 0478

Updates to this page

Published 21 August 2014
Last updated 3 May 2016 show all updates
  1. Information about our new "Standard Reports" tool added.

  2. First published.

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