
Removing your home address from the Companies House register

How to remove your home address from the public register if you’ve used it as a service address, a former registered office address or a shareholder's address.

This guidance also applies to:

  • limited liability partnerships (LLPs)
  • Scottish qualifying partnerships (SQPs)
  • the Register of Overseas Entities

Who can apply

You can apply to remove a home address as:

  • an individual – form SR01
  • a company, on behalf of current or former shareholders (members) – form SR02
  • a person who registers a charge (mortgage) – form SR03 (form LL SR02 for LLPs)

How to apply

Applying as an individual – SR01

It costs £30 to remove an address. You’ll need to pay for each document listed in your application.

The form has full instructions on how to send your SR01 application and how to pay the fee. We’ll reject your application if you do not pay the correct fee.

Removing a home address used as a registered office address

If the company is active (not dissolved), you must change the company’s registered office address before applying.

If the company is dissolved, you must wait 6 months before applying to remove an address used as a registered office.

Applying as a company, or as a person who registers a charge – SR02 or SR03

You can only apply if the company’s activities mean the person, or anyone else at the address, is at risk of serious violence or intimidation. For example, if the company is involved in a certain sector of business.

You can request a paper application form by sending an email to

Our team will advise you about the process and send you the correct form. We will only accept the original forms on the coloured paper.

It costs £30 to remove an address. You’ll need to pay for each document listed in your application.

Send your paper application with supporting evidence and the correct fee to:

The Registrar of Companies
PO Box 4082
CF14 3WE

We’ll reject your application if you do not include the correct fee.

Supporting evidence

If you’re applying as a company or person who registers a charge, you must also send a statement to explain the grounds for applying.

You should also include either:

  • evidence to support the statement
  • a copy of the court order – if the court has made an order under section 117(3)

It’s an offence to make a false statement.

When we receive your application

Applying as an individual – SR01

Once we’ve processed your application, we’ll send you a notice with our decision.

Applying as a company, or as a person who registers a charge – SR02 or SR03

We’ll check the information you’ve given and review your grounds for applying.

It will take at least 30 days to process your application. Complex applications can take up to a year. Your information will be protected while we process your application.

We may ask you for more evidence to support your application, if we do not have enough information. To help us reach a decision, we’ll also ask for an assessment from a relevant authority about the nature and level of risk.

Once we’ve processed your application, we’ll send you a notice with our decision within 7 days.

If your application is accepted

We’ll remove your address from the documents listed in your application.

You’ll need to give an alternative address if you’re a serving officer, such as a:

  • director
  • secretary
  • person with significant control (PSC)
  • LLP member
  • beneficial owner (or managing officer) of an overseas entity

We’ll hide part of your address if:

  • you’re no longer an officer
  • the company has been dissolved
  • it was used previously as a company’s registered office

For a UK address, we’ll only show the first half of the post code. For an overseas address (not in the UK), we’ll only show the state or province and country.

The time this will take depends on the number of documents you want to suppress.

We’ll reverse the removal if you’re found guilty of a false statement offence.

If your application is refused (SR02 and SR03 only)

It will take at least 30 days to process your application. Complex applications can take up to a year.  

Once we’ve processed your application, we’ll send you a notice with our decision within 7 days.

You have the right to appeal if your SR02 or SR03 application is refused.

How to appeal

You can appeal to the High Court on the grounds that the decision is unlawful, irrational or unreasonable, has been made on the basis of a procedural impropriety or otherwise contravenes the rules of natural justice.

In Scotland, you must appeal to the Court of Session.

You must appeal within 28 days of the Companies House notice date. If you appeal after 28 days, the court will need to be satisfied there was good reason why you did not appeal within this period.

Updates to this page

Published 16 September 2020
Last updated 28 February 2025 show all updates
  1. You can also apply to remove your home address if it is shown on the Register of Overseas Entities.

  2. You can now apply to suppress a home address where it has been used as a former registered office address.

  3. Fees updated.

  4. Added translation

  5. First published.

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