Report lost or stolen cattle
What to do if any of your cattle, bison or buffalo are lost or stolen, and if you get them back.
Applies to England and Wales
Cattle keepers must report any loss or theft of cattle, bison or buffalo to:
- the police
- the British Cattle Movement Service (BCMS)
You must also post the animal’s passport or certificate of registration to BCMS. BCMS must receive this within 7 days of you becoming aware of the loss or theft.
British Cattle Movement Service
Curwen Road
Derwent Howe
CA14 2DD
Telephone (England): 0345 050 1234
Telephone (Wales): 0345 050 3456
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm
Find out about call charges
You must also record the date of the loss or theft in your holding register.
If you’re a member of the public, call the police to report lost cattle.
If the animal is found
You must:
- confirm this in writing with BCMS
- inform the police
- update your holding register to show the animal has been found
What happens next
BCMS will send you a replacement passport. In some cases, they might need to visit your holding first.