Report someone making or selling unsafe or illegal vehicles or parts
Report a manufacturer or a dealer for making or selling new vehicles, vehicle parts and vehicle accessories with safety problems.
You can report a vehicle manufacturer, supplier, dealer or private seller if you think they’re breaking the law.
This includes if they’re:
- selling new vehicles, trailers or non-road mobile machinery that have not been approved to the right safety and environmental standards
- selling new accessories that do not meet safety standards, such as motorcycle helmets or child car seats
- selling new parts that do not meet safety standards (known as type approval) - this includes parts sold in the aftermarket that may not be original to the vehicle
- offering to remove or change emission control systems, such as diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters
There’s a different process to report a safety defect with your vehicle, vehicle part or accessory.
Report the company or person
Contact DVSA to report the company or person. You can do this anonymously (not giving your name) or give your details.
You need to give as much information as possible about:
- the name of the company or person who is involved
- what the company or person is doing
- where they’re making or selling vehicles or parts, which could include links to online listings
- the vehicles involved, including the registration plates (number plates) if you know them
Use the subject “For attention of Market Surveillance Unit” if you send an email.
DVSA Market Surveillance Unit
Telephone: 0800 030 4103
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 6pm
Find out about call charges
DVSA Intelligence Unit
The Ellipse
Padley Road
Reporting something anonymously
If you call or write anonymously:
- you’ll never be asked for your name or to provide contact details
- your call will not be traced
- you will not have to make a statement or be called as a witness
- you will not have to appear in court
Depending on what you’re reporting, it might be possible for the company or person to work out that you reported it – even if you report it anonymously.
If you do give your contact details
You can ask to remain anonymous. However, if you give DVSA your contact details you might:
- be contacted for more information
- be asked to provide a statement
- have to act as a witness and appear in court
Read the privacy notice for reporting a vehicle manufacturer or supplier to find out more about how your details are stored and used.
What happens next
DVSA will review the information and decide what to do next.
This could include:
- investigating the report further
- asking you for more information if you did not make the report anonymously
- working with other government departments and agencies or the police
Getting feedback on what happened
If you ask DVSA to give you feedback on what happened with a criminal prosecution, you’ll get it when:
- any investigation and criminal or other official proceedings have ended
- a decision has been made if the person appeals against their verdict
DVSA cannot give feedback on an ongoing case. Criminal investigations can take time.
Updates to this page
Updated to make it clear that you can only report people making or selling new vehicles, vehicle parts and vehicle accessories with safety problems.
Added a bullet point to explain you can report someone for selling accessories that do not meet safety standards, such as motorcycle helmets or child car seats.
First published.