Requirements and approach for different types of landlord
What we require from each different type of landlord and the approach we will take
Applies to England
Large private registered providers
- Must deliver all of the outcomes of our standards
- Must submit required data returns
- Must submit required regulatory documents
- Must publish annual value for money performance information
- Must submit early information on restructures
- Must publish tenant satisfaction measures data and submit it to the regulator
- Must submit relevant statutory notifications in relation to constitutional changes, including restructures and disposals
Regulatory approach
- Subject to programmed inspections
- Regulatory judgements published
- Regulatory grades apply to our assessment of their delivery of the outcomes of the Governance and Financial Viability Standard, and the outcomes of the consumer standards
- Gradings under review list applies
- Subject to stability checks
- Subject to regular reviews of information between programmed inspections, including an annual review of TSM data
Small private registered providers
- Must deliver all of the outcomes of our standards
- Must submit required data returns
- Must submit required regulatory documents
- Must publish annual value for money performance information
- Must submit early information on restructures
- Must publish TSM data
- Must submit relevant statutory notifications in relation to constitutional changes including restructures and disposals
Regulatory approach
- Not subject to programmed inspections (small landlords may be subject to inspections that are not programmed. Find out more about inspections including when we may carry out inspections that are not programmed.)
- Regulatory judgements published in certain circumstances
- Gradings under review list applies
- Not subject to stability checks
- Not subject to an annual review of TSM data (we may use their TSM data to inform our regulation)
- Subject to review of annual accounts and also, if relevant, of the audit management letter. As appropriate, other information may be assessed e.g. if developing new homes, we normally seek and consider financial forecast information
Large local authority landlords
- Must deliver all of the outcomes of our consumer standards and our Rent Standard
- Must submit required data returns
- Must publish TSM data and submit it to the regulator
Regulatory approach
- Subject to programmed inspections
- Regulatory judgements published
- Regulatory grades apply to our assessment of their delivery of the consumer standards outcomes
- Gradings under review list applies for the consumer standards
- Subject to an annual review of TSM data
Small local authority landlords
- Must deliver all of the outcomes of our consumer standards and our Rent Standard
- Must submit required data returns
- Must publish TSM data
Regulatory approach
- Not subject to programmed inspections (small landlords may be subject to inspections that are not programmed. Find out more about inspections including when we may carry out inspections that are not programmed)
- Regulatory judgements published in certain circumstances
- Gradings under review list applies for the consumer standards
- Not subject to an annual review of TSM data (we may use their TSM data to inform our regulation)