S2 waste exemption: storing waste at a secure site
The S2 waste exemption allows you to store specific waste at a secure intermediate site, separate to where the waste was produced, before transportation to another site for recovery.
Applies to England
Waste exemptions are changing and this will affect anyone who carries out a waste exemption activity. Defra’s consultation supplementary response document and its annexes explain the changes. This sets out which exemptions will be withdrawn or restricted. Changes to the exemptions are likely to start in 2025 but timescales have not been finalised.
Types of activity you can carry out
These include:
- storing construction and demolition waste that can be reused without treatment, at an intermediate site before it is moved to another place to be reused
- storing olive pulp and marble chips at a port before it is moved to another place to be recovered
Types of activity you cannot carry out
You cannot:
- treat waste under this exemption - see the section ‘related exemptions’
- store waste destined to be disposed of - see the section ‘related permits’
- store mixed waste
- mix hazardous with non-hazardous waste.
- register this exemption to increase the storage capacity at the place where another treatment exemption such as T1, T4, T11 or a U activity is carried out
Types of waste you can store
The waste codes are those listed in the List of Wastes (LoW) Regulations. You need to make sure your waste fits within the relevant waste code and description.
Waste code | Type of waste | Storage limit (at any one time) | Period (months) |
161002 | aqueous paint related waste only | 1,000 litres | 6 |
160601 * 160602 * 160603 * 160604 160605 200133 * 200134 |
batteries | 10 tonnes | 6 |
150104 200140 |
cans and foil only | 500 tonnes | 12 |
140601 * | CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs | 18 tonnes | 6 |
170101 170102 170103 170107 170202 170203 170401 to 170407 170504 170604 170802 |
construction and demolition waste (non-hazardous) capable of being used in existing state only | 100 tonnes | 12 |
200125 | edible oil and fat only | 5,000 tonnes | 12 |
100207 * | electric arc furnace dust only | 2,500 tonnes | 3 |
020104 | farm plastics (non-packaging only) | 500 tonnes | 12 |
070213 150101 150102 150105 200139 |
Food and drink cartons | 500 tonnes | 12 |
101112 150107 160120 170202 191205 200102 |
glass | 5,000 tonnes | 12 |
020102 | mammalian protein only | 60,000 tonnes | 12 |
020202 | mammalian tallow only | 45,000 tonnes | 12 |
200307 | mattresses only | 5 tonnes | 3 |
010408 191209 |
marble chips only | 5,000 tonnes | 12 |
020304 | olive pulp/pellet only | 5,000 tonnes | 3 |
080111 * 080112 200127 * 200128 |
paints (excluding specialist and industrial paints, wood preservatives, aerosol and spray paints, inks, adhesives and resins) pending reuse as paints only | 10,000 litres | 6 |
030307 030308 150101 191201 200101 |
paper and cardboard (excluding food and drink cartons) only | 15,000 tonnes | 12 |
090107 090108 |
photographic films and papers | 50 tonnes | 12 |
070213 120105 150102 160119 191204 200139 |
plastic | 500 tonnes | 12 |
100101 | poultry litter ash only | 3,000 tonnes | 12 |
080318 150102 160216 200139 |
printer cartridges only | 5,000 units | 6 |
170301 * 170302 170504 |
road planings, waste road chippings, road sub-base only | 500 tonnes | 12 |
020110 160117 160118 170401 170402 170403 170404 170405 170406 170407 170411 191202 191203 |
scrap metal | 15,000 tonnes | 6 |
090110 090111 * 090112 |
single use cameras | 400 cubic metres | 6 |
020401 020399 |
soils from cleaning fruit and veg only | 100 tonnes | 6 |
100316 100405 * 100504 100511 100604 100811 100899 |
solder metal, skimmings, ashes and residues | 100 tonnes | 3 |
140602 * 140603 * 200113 * |
solvents and solvent mixtures | 5 cubic metres | 6 |
100101 100102 100105 100115 |
synthetic gypsum and pulverised fuel ash only | 2,500 tonnes | 3 |
040222 150109 191208 200110 200111 |
textiles and clothes | 1,000 tonnes | 12 |
160103 191204 |
tyres, tyre chip and crumb | 40 tonnes | 3 |
110113 * 120301 * 160708 * |
waste cleaning solution containing 2% sodium metasilicate and 1 to 2% waste oil only | 3 tonnes | 3 |
160211 * 160213 * 160214 160216 200121 * 200123 * 200135 * 200136 |
WEEE | 400 cubic metres | 6 |
030301 150102 150103 200138 |
wine bottle corks only | 500 tonnes | 12 |
030105 170201 170204 * 191206 * 191207 200137 * 200138 |
Wood, including telegraph poles and railway sleepers (hazardous and non-hazardous) | 100 tonnes | 12 |
(*) An asterisk at the end of a code means the waste is hazardous.
The conditions are:
- each type of waste must be stored separately
- the storage must take place at a secure place
- the storage of the waste is pending its recovery elsewhere
- each waste shall not be stored for longer than the specified time period
The additional specific conditions apply to some specified types of waste.
Aqueous paint related waste only
- the waste is stored in a container
- the waste is stored with secondary containment
- the waste is stored in a container
- the storage place has sealed drainage
CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs:
- the waste is stored in a container
- the waste is stored with secondary containment
Edible oil and fat only:
- the waste is stored in a container
- the waste is stored with secondary containment
Electric arc furnace dust only:
- the waste is stored indoors
- the waste is stored at a dock before being exported or after being imported
- the waste must arrive at the storage place in bags and must be stored there in bags or in drums
Farm plastics (non-packaging):
- the waste is stored indoors
- the storage place has sealed drainage
Mammalian protein only:
- the waste is stored indoors
Mammalian tallow only:
- the waste is stored indoors
Mattresses only:
- the waste is stored indoors
Olive pulp and pellet:
- the storage place has sealed drainage
- the waste is stored with secondary containment
- the waste is stored at a dock before being exported or after being imported
Paints (excluding specialist and industrial paints, wood preservatives, aerosol and spray paints, inks, adhesives and resins) pending reuse as paints:
- the waste is stored in a container
- the waste is stored with secondary containment
Paper and cardboard (excluding food and drink cartons):
- the waste is stored in a baled form, in a container or indoors
- within the quantity limit specified and despite this additional specific condition, up to 1,000 tonnes may be stored outdoors as long as it is stored in an enclosure designed and maintained to prevent litter escaping
Photographic films and papers:
- the waste is stored in a baled form, in a container or indoors
Poultry litter ash only:
- the waste is stored indoors
- the waste is stored at a dock before being exported or after being imported
Printer cartridges only:
- the waste is stored indoors
Scrap metal:
- the storage place has sealed drainage
- the waste is stored at a dock before being exported or after being imported
Solder metal, skimmings, ashes and residues:
- the waste is stored in bags or in drums
Solvents and solvent mixtures:
- the waste is stored in a container
- the waste is stored with secondary containment
Synthetic gypsum and pulverized fuel ash only:
- the waste is stored indoors
- the waste is stored at a dock before being exported or after being imported
- the waste must arrive at the storage place in bags and must be stored there in bags or in drums
Tyres, tyre chip and crumb:
- the total quantity of waste stored together does not exceed 10 tonnes; this is to reduce the risk of fire spreading
Waste cleaning solution containing 2% sodium metasilicate and 1% to 2% waste oil only:
- the waste is stored in a container
- the waste is stored with secondary containment
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE):
- you must comply with the requirements in paragraph 1 of Annex VIII of the WEEE Directive
- the WEEE is stored on an impermeable surface
- where you are storing WEEE containing hazardous materials or fluids, or storing whole appliances or parts that are to be reused, the WEEE is stored with weatherproof covering
What else you need to know
Hazardous waste is subject to the Hazardous Waste Regulations.
Related exemptions
T1: Cleaning, washing, spraying or coating relevant waste
T4: Preparatory treatments, such as baling, sorting, shredding
S1: Storing waste in secure containers
Related permits
You will need an environmental permit if you want to store:
- waste at an intermediate site for treatment or use not covered in related exemptions or under a permit for recovery
- mixed waste at an intermediate site for treatment
- waste prior to disposal
Find out more about environmental permits for waste.
Register a S2 exemption
You need to register this exemption with the Environment Agency if you meet the requirements.
Updates to this page
Updated the message at the start to say changes to exemptions are expected to start in 2025 but that timescales have not been finalised.
Clarified the conditions for waste electrical and electronic equipment.
We have added information about changes to this waste exemption that are likely to happen during 2024 to 2025.
First published.