Accessing the training estate safely
Guidance and information on how you can use the Defence Training Estate responsibly.

Respect the range. MOD Crown Copyright 2022.
Accessing MOD land carries risks to your personal safety. Our Respect the Range guidance sets out simple steps you can take when visiting MOD land to help keep you and our armed forces safe:
- look out for red flags – used to indicate live firing is taking place
- check armed forces training and firing times before visiting
- pay attention to signage, information displays and red flags
- stick to public footpaths, bridleways and byways
- do not touch any military debris – report its location for safe disposal
From Lulworth to Salisbury Plain, the Scottish Highlands to North Wales, the Ministry of Defence are custodians of some of the most dramatic landscapes and coastlines in the UK. Much of this land is accessible to the public, but the spaces are used for essential military training. Have you checked your local area?
The MOD encourage you to discover the beautiful and varied expanses that we are proud to steward and maintain, however it’s important that you only access the land when and where it is safe to do so. This changes from hour to hour, so always check before visiting and be aware of the live indicators (flags, lights, signage and information displays).
Our armed forces train year-round, at all times of the day. High-paced tactical training exercises often include the use of armoured vehicles, artillery and Defence personnel. Just because you can’t hear or see the training doesn’t mean it’s not taking place. In recent years, more and more people are putting themselves at risk by accessing the land while the armed forces carry out training.
Your safety is our top priority. Help us keep you safe by following Respect the Range guidance.
More information and safety tips can be found in our Inside DIO blog, or contact our local teams directly.
Respect the Range film
For further information please see our Respect The Range film which will give you information on how to stay safe within the surrounding of training areas.
Read the full
.Related information
You can read more information on public access on our estate.
Learn more about MOD byelaws.
We welcome external groups such as ramblers and horse societies to contact our access forum and make agreed arrangements about access in advance of any activity taking place. More information can be found on our Access Forum.
Updates to this page
Published 6 August 2020Last updated 28 July 2023 + show all updates
Updated information on accessing the training estate safely.
Page updated with steps you can take when visiting MOD land to help keep you safe.
Added new heading with information: Respect the Range film and a transcript of the YouTube film.
First published.