Send HMRC evidence of your personal details
If you've been sent a letter or asked by HMRC, use this form to send evidence of your personal details.
Use this form if you’ve been sent a letter or asked by HMRC to send evidence of your personal details.
Only use this form if HMRC have asked you to send evidence.
Find out how to tell HMRC about a change to your personal details.
Before you start
You’ll need to upload and send an image or PDF of your evidence.
The evidence must show your date of birth.
The image of the evidence you upload and send must be of the original document, or a certified copy of the original document. A certified copy is a true copy of an original document that is stamped with a date and signed by any of the following:
- an employee of a government department
- a legal organisation, for example, a solicitors or accountants
- a medical body, for example, a doctor’s surgery
Outside of the UK, you can get a certified copy from:
- a mayor’s office
- the British consulate
Evidence you can send
You may need to upload and send one or two images of evidence, depending on what documents you have.
When you can send one document
You should upload and send an image of any one of the following documents issued in the UK, EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland. Your:
- birth certificate
- full or provisional driving licence
- identity card
- passport
When you can send 2 documents
You should upload and send an image of any 2 of the following documents. Your:
- passport issued by a country other than the UK, EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland
- birth certificate issued by a country other than the UK, EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland
- certificate of naturalisation
- Home Office travel document
- certificate of service in His Majesty’s Forces
- certificate of service in the Merchant Navy
- marriage certificate
- certificate of a civil partnership
- adoption certificate
If you do not have the documents listed
If you do not have any of the documents, you can upload and send an image of other evidence you have that shows your date of birth. We will then consider if we can use that.
Send your evidence
You can send an image of your evidence using the online form.
You’ll need to either:
- sign in with your Government Gateway user ID and password, if you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you first try to sign in
- use your email address to get a confirmation code that you can use to sign in
You’ll be able to save your answers and come back to them within 28 days if you need to get more information before you can submit the form.
If you cannot send your evidence online
You should post your evidence — or a certified copy of it — to HMRC if you cannot send it online. Send your evidence to:
HM Revenue and Customs
National Insurance Contributions and Employer Office
After you’ve sent your evidence
We will review your evidence then contact you. This may take up to 8 weeks.
Updates to this page
The list of evidence you can send has been updated and guidance on how to send information if you cannot use the online form has been added. A Welsh translation of the guidance has also been added.
Added translation