Tell HMRC about a change to your employment income
How to update your details online if the estimate of your income for the year is going to be more or less than expected.
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Your tax is worked out based on an estimate of how much you will earn each year. If you are earning more or less than usual you can tell us.
You should update your estimated income if there has been a change to your total income and you think it will affect your current Income Tax band. This can happen if you:
- start earning regular overtime
- receive a pay rise
- receive a bonus
- have a zero hours’ contract and your hours have increased or decreased
- take partial retirement and work less
Check and update your details if they’re wrong or missing
You can use the PAYE section of your HMRC online account or HMRC app to check:
- your estimated income for the year
- if all other income you earn is included, such as income from rent, content creation or casual jobs like food delivery
Using the HMRC online service
- Sign in to HMRC online services.
- Go to the ‘Pay As You Earn (PAYE)’ section.
- Select ‘check current tax year’ to view your PAYE Income Tax Summary for 6 April to 5 April.
- To update your estimated income select ‘view or update employment details’ and ‘update your estimated taxable income’.
- To tell us about missing income select ‘update or remove’ in the ‘Non coded income’ section.
Using the HMRC app
- Download the HMRC app.
- Go to the ‘Pay As You Earn (PAYE)’ section.
- To update your estimated income select ‘update your estimated income’
- To tell us about missing income select ‘add missing income’.
You can use this tool to check if you need to tell HMRC about additional income.
If you have other details to change you can tell HMRC about:
- starting a new job
- having more than one job
- a change in your company benefits like a company car or medical insurance
- a change in your pension income
Keeping your tax code up to date helps to make sure you pay the correct amount of tax. This makes it less likely you will pay too much or too little tax.
After you update your details
Not all changes will affect your tax code. We will tell your employer or pension provider if your tax code changes. Your next payslip should show your new tax code and any adjustments if you were paying the wrong amount of tax.
When you sign up for paperless updates you will get a message if your tax code changes. You can view these updates in the:
- messages section of your HMRC online account
- communication section of your HMRC app
Go paperless for tax code updates
You can choose to receive updates about any changes to your tax code by email or as an online message in your HMRC online account or HMRC app. Find out how to go paperless for tax code updates.
If you need extra help using HMRC online services
You can find out how to:
- get help from HMRC if you need extra support if you cannot use our online services
- register a friend or relative to help with your tax