
Highlands Reserves Forces' and Cadets' Association

The Highlands Reserves Forces' and Cadets' Association (HRFCA) promotes the Reserve Forces and Cadets across the Highlands of Scotland.

HRFCA supports reserves and cadets across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland in a variety of ways, from maintenance of their buildings to welfare and recruiting support. It also engages with employers and the wider community to inform it of the contribution made, and the role undertaken, by the Reserve Forces and the Service Cadet organisations in the Highland area.

Latest news

£15k sponsorship boost for ChamberFORCE

Damon Scott (Dunbartonshire Chamber), Sarah Young (Dundee and Angus Chamber) and Alan Mitchell (Fife Chamber) accept the Amazon sponsorship cheque from Jamie Strain, Amazon Dunfermline General Manager. Highland RFCA Crown Copyright

Five Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) Gold Award holders have partnered up to relaunch Highland RFCA’s ChamberFORCE project.

The relaunch event took place at the Amazon Fulfilment Centre in Dunfermline on August 23. Amazon staff and senior management had the opportunity to engage with a variety of military stands, vehicles and equipment.

Read the full story

ESUAS OC Sqn Ldr Campbell Blake with Lord Lieutenant of Fife Robert Balfour.

ESUAS OC Sqn Ldr Campbell Blake with Lord Lieutenant of Fife Robert Balfour.. Crown copyright.

East of Scotland Universities Air Squadron (ESUAS) has received The Prince of Wales’ Award for The Ulysses Trust Best Expedition. Read the full story.

Champion Cadets

Highland RFCA employs approximately 50 staff to provide essential administration and logistic support for the Army Cadet Force, in addition we employ a Wing Support Officer who conducts a similar role for some detachments of the RAF Air Cadets. Highland RFCA’s Board approves grants to subsidise music, adventure training, battlefield tours and other beneficial activities for cadets of all three services.

The whole band dressed in full uniform with instruments smiling at the camera.

The Regimental Band of The Black Watch Battalion, Army Cadet Force. Highland RFCA Crown Copyright.

Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAV) come from all walks of life to work directly with cadets, helping them gain skills for life and fulfil their potential by planning and leading outdoor and classroom training in a fun, exciting and safe environment. They are taught all they need to know to deliver this rewarding activity, from instructional techniques to safeguarding.

Close up portrait of Squadron Leader Paul Mathieson standing in front of a blue front door.

Squadron Leader Paul Mathieson. Highland RFCA Crown Copyright.

One such CFAV - Squadron Leader Paul Mathieson, of Scotland and Northern Ireland Region RAF Air Cadets (RAFAC) has received a prestigious award from Poppy Scotland for a lifetime of dedicated fundraising for the charity. Read the full story Senior RAF Air Cadets Officer receives special Poppy Scotland Achievement Award .

Promote the Reserve Forces

Reservists in uniform driving an army vehicle.

Reservists from the Scottish and North Irish Yeomanry. Highland RFCA Crown Copyright

Reservists give up their spare time to serve in the Reserve Forces, balancing their civilian life with a military career to ensure that should their country require them, they would be ready to serve as part of the military. The training, skills and experiences can be used to improve performance in the workplace. Highland RFCA supports the Reserve Forces in a variety of ways, from maintenance of their buildings to welfare and recruiting support.

Pictured on the left hand side of the image in uniform with buildings and landscape in view behind him.

Army Reservist Niall Raeper. Highland RFCA Crown Copyright.

Niall Raeper is an Army Reservist who swapped a role in the energy sector for the fight against COVID-19. Read the full story at Niall puts energy into COVID-19 battle.

Engage with employers

Mixture of civilians and armed forces personnel posing in a group holding the Reserves Forces flag.

Employers took part in Exercise Chamber Stretch. Highland RFCA Crown Copyright.

One of Highland RFCA’s core functions is to engage with the wider community to inform it of the contribution made, and the role undertaken, by the Reserve Forces and the Service Cadet organisations in the Highland area. We achieve this through supporting, publicising and attending a range of events that bring the Armed Forces community into contact with the civilian population.

Partnering with Defence can bring considerable benefits to businesses including military leadership training, staff recruitment and development and a wide range of networking events. HRFCA encourages supportive employers to sign the Armed Forces Covenant and take part in the national Employer Recognition Scheme, achieving Bronze, Silver or Gold awards.

Find out more about the Armed Forces Covenant.

Provide the best places to work and train

Highland RFCA is responsible for the upkeep and management of our Reserve Force and Cadet sites across the region. These 175 properties are at the core of all activity, and it is vital they are kept in good condition, secure and fit for purpose.

The Estates and Facilities Management team is based at the headquarters in Dundee, supported by area offices in Inverness, Aberdeen and Dumbarton. The team works closely with approved contractors and consultants to provide a professional service to the estate.

The building lowered by a crane ready to be installed on the site.

Installation of a modular cadet building. Highland RFCA Crown Copyright.

This new cadet building in building Newport-on-Tay, Fife, was built off site in a modular format and installed in a day. It forms one part of HRFCA’s £1.4-million programme of cadet building replacements.

Timelapse video of the installation

More information on Estates projects can be found on the HRFCA website.

Contact Us

Highland RFCA
365 Perth Road

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Follow us

Facebook: @HRFCA
Twitter: @hrfca
LinkedIn: @highlandrfca
Instagram: @highlandrfca
TikTok: @highlandrfca

Further information

Updates to this page

Published 8 March 2021
Last updated 22 September 2022 show all updates
  1. Added news story under 'Latest news'.

  2. Added news item 'Prince of Wales’ award for ESUAS'.

  3. Updated all page content with Highlands RFCA content.

  4. First published.

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