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10. NATO Form 302

Explains the NATO 302 process and is for use only by NATO military.

The NATO 302 is used to control the movement of imported third country eligible military goods in and between NATO countries and countries participating in the Partnership for Peace (PfP). This section explains the process and is for use only by NATO military.

10.1 Introduction

The rules concerning the import, export and Transit of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) goods are contained in the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their forces, London 19 June 1951.

The form 302 is used to control the movement of imported third country eligible military goods in and between NATO countries and countries participating in the Partnership for Peace (PfP). Implementing Regulation Articles 278 to 280 provide for the use of Form 302 as a Transit declaration for goods moved from one point in the EU customs territory to another.

The customs authorities in each NATO Member State, in agreement with the competent authority of the forces stationed on its territory, has designated a customs office responsible for handling customs formalities and controls concerning all consignments carried out by or on behalf of each unit of the forces stationed on its territory.

10.2 Layout of the 302 forms

10.2.1 NATO Forces based in the UK – United States

The form is a six-part document and copies 1-6 are all pre-authenticated by the CCTO. The form contains a pre-printed serial number and bears the full address of the CCTO (for the return copies of the document).

  • Copy 1 (original white) travels with the goods, and is retained by the Consignee (NATO base at Destination) for their records.
  • Copy 2 (duplicate, green) travels with the goods. This copy is stamped by the Customs Authority at the Destination address. For outbound movements from the UK this copy is returned to the CCTO to confirm satisfactory Transit.
  • Copy 3 (duplicate, pink) travels with the goods, and is stamped by and retained by the Customs Authority at destination.
  • Copy 4 (Blue) is retained by the consignor (NATO base at departure).
  • Copy 5 (yellow) should be sent to the CCTO at the start of any movement from the UK.
  • Copy 6 (red) is an optional copy, which can be used for control purposes if required.

10.2.2 NATO Forces based in the UK - British and European Union

The Form 302 is a four-part document. For outbound movements from the UK copies 1-4 are all pre-authenticated by the CCTO.

  • Copy 1 (original, white) travels with the goods. It is retained by the Consignee (NATO Base at Destination) for their records.
  • Copy 2 (duplicate, white) travels with the goods. It must be stamped by the Customs Authority at the Destination address. For outbound movements from the UK this copy is returned to the CCTO to confirm satisfactory Transit.
  • Copy 3 (duplicate, white) is retained by the Consignor (NATO Base of Departure) for their records.
  • Copy 4 (white) must be sent to the CCTO at the start of any movement from the UK.

10.3 NATO Form 302 Transit Procedure: UK as State of Departure

10.3.1 Force of Law

The relevant Force of Law comes from these Customs Statutory Instruments.

  1. The following has the force of law, by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 4 to The Customs Transit Procedure (EU Exit) Regulations 20181. At the time of dispatch of the goods, the NATO forces shall complete form 302 with a statement that the goods are being moved under their control and authenticate this statement by their signature, stamp and date.

  2. Where the NATO forces proceed in accordance with paragraph 1, a copy of the form 302 must be given, without delay, to the designated customs office responsible for customs formalities and controls pertaining to the NATO forces which dispatch the goods or on whose behalf the goods are being dispatched.

    • The other copies of the form 302 shall accompany the consignment to the NATO forces of destination where the forms must be stamped and signed by those NATO forces.
    • At the time of arrival of the goods two copies of the form must be given to the designated customs office responsible for customs formalities and controls pertaining to the NATO forces of destination.
    • That designated customs office shall retain one copy and shall return the second copy to the customs office responsible for customs formalities and controls pertaining to the NATO forces which dispatch the goods or on whose behalf the goods are being dispatched.

10.3.2 Pre-authentication of forms by the NATO Team at the CCTO

The NATO authority at departure will forward batches of blank forms to the CCTO. Batches should be no larger than is sufficient to cover 3 months’ movements.

The NATO Team at the CCTO will:

  • stamp the blank forms in the appropriate box in the first row of the ‘Part Reserved for Customs’ table on the rear of the form, using the round CTC Transit authenticating stamp
  • date and number the forms in the appropriate box in the first row of the ‘Part Reserved for Customs’ table on the rear of the form using the CTC Transit numbering stamp
  • sign the forms in the appropriate box in the first row of the ‘Part Reserved for Customs’ table on the rear of the form
  • maintain a record of the forms issued to each NATO unit including the quantity of documents issued and both the customs CTC Transit number and the corresponding pre-printed serial number of each form
  • return the authenticated forms to the relevant NATO unit accompanied by an advice showing the serial numbers and the total quantity and asking the NATO unit to confirm receipt
  • make enquiries with the NATO unit if any pre-authenticated documents have not been used within 3 months, such as copy 2 not received at the CCTO

Documents pre-authenticated at the CCTO may only be used to cover movements which have an Office of Departure within the UK.

10.3.3 Air shows and other temporary locations

These temporary events will be covered by a BF Team. The carrier should present the Form 302 and the goods to BF at the show (in practical terms, they will probably present them to the organisers who would in turn present them to BF against the appropriate Oral Declaration for TA).

10.4 Further information

For any NATO 302 enquiries contact the CCTO on 0300 322 7906.