
UK-USA Mutual Recognition Agreement

Documents relating to the UK-USA Mutual Recognition Agreement.

Summary of the agreement

The UK-USA Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) contains the conditions under which each country will accept conformity assessment results from the other. It maintains the effects of the operational aspects of the EU-USA agreement in a bilateral context.

Sectors covered by the UK-USA MRA

The MRA covers multiple sectors and links directly to relevant UK regulations:

UK goods covered under these sectors can be tested in the UK against USA regulations. The goods can then be sold in the USA without additional testing there.

Likewise, goods from the USA can be tested in the USA against UK regulations. The goods can then be sold in the UK without additional testing here.

The UK and USA also have a separate MRA which covers marine equipment.

Search the UK Market Conformity Assessment Bodies (UKMCAB) database to source UK government appointed CABs.

Treaty text and explanatory memorandum

The treaty establishes mutual recognition of conformity assessment between the UK and the USA.

The explanatory memorandum has information on the mutual recognition agreement, including:

  • ministerial responsibility
  • policy considerations
  • implementation
Published 12 March 2019
Last updated 1 May 2024 + show all updates
  1. Addition of links to UK regulations covered by MRA.

  2. First published.