UK-USA Mutual Recognition Agreement on marine equipment
Documents relating to the UK-USA Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) on marine equipment.
Summary of the agreement
The UK-USA marine equipment MRA contains the conditions under which each country will accept conformity assessment results from the other. It maintains the effects of the EU-USA marine equipment MRA in a bilateral context.
It also:
- promotes cooperation between the UK and US on international marine equipment regulations
- encourages the improvement and future evolution of UK and US regulatory requirements to help enhance safety at sea and prevent marine pollution
This UK-USA MRA covers the marine equipment sector: The Merchant Shipping (Marine Equipment) Regulations 2016.
Designated UK marine equipment can be tested in the UK against US regulations. The goods can then be used on US ships without additional testing in the US.
Designated marine equipment from the US can be tested in the US against UK regulations. The goods can then be used on UK ships without additional testing in the UK.
There is another UK-USA MRA that covers other product types.
Search the UK Market Conformity Assessment Bodies (UKMCAB) database to source UK government appointed CABs.
Treaty text
The treaty establishes mutual recognition of conformity assessment between the UK and the USA.