Veterans' UK Armed Forces pension and insurance declaration forms
Use these forms when claiming an Armed Forces Pension. The life and personal accident insurance form is to be completed in accordance with 2021DIN01-62.
The forms on this page should be used when claiming under any of the Armed Forces Pension Schemes (AFPS). For information including detailed breakdowns of the schemes, legislation and pension calculator can be found on the Pensions and Compensation for Veterans page.
If you cannot download a form, please contact Joint Personnel Administration Centre
If you need more information on Armed Forces Pension Schemes, please contact Veterans UK using one of the following options:
Joint Personnel Administration Centre (JPAC):
Freephone (UK only): 0800 085 3600
Telephone (Overseas): +44 141 224 3600
Phone (Military): 94560 3600
Email :
Veterans UK JPAC Enquiry Centre
Mail Point 480
Kentigern House
65 Brown Street
G2 8EX
Death of an Armed Forces Pension Scheme member
Instructions on what to do on the death of a member currently in receipt or non-receipt of an armed forces pension, is available from the Armed Forces Pension Team.
Armed Forces Pension application form
If you are eligible and need to apply for an Armed Forces Pension, please complete and return this form by post. You must also complete this form if you are using the overseas pensions payment mandate forms.
Opting in/out of the Armed Forces Pension Scheme
If you wish to opt out of or opt back in to your Armed Forces Pension Scheme, please complete and return this form by post.
Nomination of Death Benefit and allocation of pension
If you wish to nominate an organisation or a person (who is not your spouse, or partner) for death benefit or revoke any previous nominations, please complete and return this form by post.
If you want to allocate a portion of your pension to a financial dependant or remove an existing dependant, please complete and return this form by post. Please note:
- this form must be submitted at least 6 months before a payment is due to be made.
- you can allocate up to 37.5% of your pension, so that after you die one or more nominated dependants can receive an income for life (certain conditions apply)
Divorce / Dissolution
If you want an assessment of pension or cash equivalent valuation for a divorce or dissolution of civil partnership, please complete and return this form by post.
Children’s pension/allowance reviews
Payment of a children’s pension from the Armed Forces Pension Scheme (AFPS) or an allowance from the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) is subject to review at the age when the benefit will stop. If the child continues in education, the pension or allowance can be extended. Please complete the form and return by post.
Additional information on the scheme can be found in the Children’s Pensions and Allowance Guide
Paying more into your pension
If you want to increase your AFPS by purchasing added years/days, please complete and return this form by post.
If you want to request a quote for Added Pension, please complete and return this form by post.
If you want to purchase Added Pension, please complete and return this form by post.
Commutation of your pension
If you want to commute/ inversely-commute your pension, please complete and return this form by post. Please note:
- within 6 months of the pension coming into payment you can apply to exchange all or part of the lump sum for an increase in pension (certain conditions apply)
AFPS forecast requests
If you want to request a pension forecast please complete and return this form by post.
This form is now available on DEFNET. Serving personnel can complete a pension forecast request on their MODNET machine and submit it via their MODNET email address.
If you want to request a preserved pension forecast please complete and return this form by post.
If you want to request a former spouse pension credit forecast please complete and return this form by post.
Claim for payments
If you want to claim for a preserved pension payment, please complete and return this form by post.
Please note:
- preserved pensions are normally paid from pension benefit age (currently age 65), but are not paid automatically and have to be claimed
Early Payment of Preserved Pension benefits (EPPP)
Please ensure you also complete an AFPS Form 8, selecting the box to claim your benefits early due to ill-health
If you want to claim for a preserved pension benefit payment early due to ill health, please complete and return this form by post. Please note:
Early Payment of Preserved Pension benefits covers:
- those who have a preserved pension and lump sum entitlement not payable until age 60/65/State Pension Age and
- those in receipt of an immediate pension who have preserved pension increases payable from age 55.
If you want to claim for a former spouse pension credit payment, please complete and return this form by post.
Request for former spouse pension attachment/earmarking order payment
If you are a former spouse and are claiming payment of sums due under a pension earmarking or attachment order, please complete and return this form by post.
Scheme Pays
Use this form if you want Veterans UK to pay all or part of your tax charge to HMRC, please complete and return this form by post.
Veterans UK AFPS forms and insurance declaration form
Life and personal accident declaration form for service personnel.
Compensation forms have now been moved and are available on the Veterans UK compensation forms.
Compensation and Contingent Decision
Transitional Tax-Free Certificate Application Form
If you wish to apply for a Transitional Tax-Free Amount Certificate, please use this form.
Updates to this page
Updated '2015 Pension Remedy Contingent Decision/Compensation form'.
Added 'Transitional Tax-Free Certificate Application Form'.
Added '2015 Pension Remedy Contingent Decision/Compensation form' under 'Compensation and Contingent Decision'.
Removed 'AVCs added years authorisation and disclaimer by member (AFPS 75) (Form 5)' as the scheme this form relates to has closed.
Included guidance on Early Payment of Preserved Pension benefits and form EPPP Annex B - C
Guidance on what to do after the death of a member of the armed forces pension scheme
Guidance relating to children's pension and allowances has been added
Form 4 (In-scheme AVCs authorisation and disclaimer by member (AFPS 75)) removed as no longer required by scheme
Included AFPS form 20 and included a section on how to "Request for Former Spouse Pension Attachment / Earmarking Order Payment".
Included a section on children's pension/allowance reviews including form AFPS 373
Addition of link to DEFNET where serving personnel can access Form 12 and submit it via email.
Changed page name to reflect addition of insurance declaration forms.
Edited the summary to include a note for the life and personal accident insurance form.
Added Veterans UK AFPS Forms and Insurance Declaration form.
Replaced attachment AFPS (Form 8)
First published.