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2. General management appropriate measures

The additional appropriate measures for the general management of regulated facilities with an environmental permit for the treatment or transfer of WTEE.

1. You must:

  • monitor and review the performance of your WTEE treatment plant on an ongoing basis as part of your management system
  • compare monitored performance with expected performance and relevant standards of operation
  • aim to maximise the collection and recovery of waste gases, residues and recyclable fractions and prevent emissions

2.1 Plant commissioning requirements

1. Before commissioning new WTEE treatment plant, you must provide the Environment Agency with a commissioning plan, including a timetable for completion. The commissioning plan must demonstrate how the proposed operations will meet the following requirements.

Monitoring of point source and fugitive emissions

2. You must complete a comprehensive monitoring exercise to demonstrate that the stage 1 and stage 2 processing of WTEE does not lead to fugitive releases to air. This includes emissions of refrigerant or blowing agent gases and dust. This could be, for example, by using a combination of ambient air monitoring and gas leak detection equipment.

3. You must complete representative monitoring to:

  • characterise point source emissions to air and water from the treatment process for relevant substances and parameters
  • confirm you will meet relevant emission limits

Quality assurance (QA) of monitoring and sampling

4. Suitably competent and trained staff must carry out monitoring and sampling, following relevant monitoring methodologies and standards. An appropriately accredited independent laboratory (for example, UKAS accredited) must carry out sample analysis.

5. An appropriately trained and experienced person must validate the results.

6. You must calibrate and service monitoring equipment in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations. You should make records available to the Environment Agency on request.

Making of records

7. Records must include:

  • specified details of measurements and samples to support analytical and QA requirements, including dates, times, locations and people doing the monitoring
  • results of measurements and sample analyses, with error limits
  • interpretation and review of results
  • validation of accuracy and validity of results, by a competent person

Determinands monitored and sampled

8. Records to be maintained include:

  • the numbers and types of WTEE treated during commissioning
  • results of the testing of residual materials to meet the treatment standards specified in this guidance (including refrigerant and blowing agent recovery, and composition of other output materials, including oil, foam, plastics and metals)
  • quantities of residual materials produced
  • the results of the emissions monitoring done
  • details of the identities, relevant experience and relevant qualifications of the people providing commissioning validation

9. After completing commissioning operations, you must provide the Environment Agency with a validation report that satisfies the requirements of the commissioning plan. You must not start WTEE treatment operations until the Environment Agency has agreed the commissioning validation report in writing.

2.2 Other accident prevention measures

1. Areas of the site where explosive atmospheres could occur (for example, fridge storage or treatment areas) must be assessed and, where appropriate, classified into hazardous zones in line with the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR). Plant and equipment used in these zones must be ATEX compliant and operated by appropriately trained staff.