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3. Waste pre-acceptance, acceptance and tracking appropriate measures

The additional appropriate measures for waste pre-acceptance, acceptance and tracking at regulated facilities with an environmental permit for the treatment or transfer of WTEE.

3.1 Waste pre-acceptance

1. Where possible, you should consider with your customer (for example, waste producer or transferor) whether equipment is suitable for preparing for reuse and advise them about any necessary requirements regarding the condition and management of WTEE prior to its acceptance at your facility. You should consider the following, where relevant:

Suitability of WTEE for preparing for reuse

For example, if reuse is compliant with F gas legislation, the equipment has no visible signs of damage and internal shelves, furniture and external electrical cable are present.

Equipment suitable for preparing for reuse should be:

  • handled and consigned with extra care, for example, to prevent damage or loss of internal components (for example, drawers or shelves) that could affect reuse
  • separated or identified from other WTEE that are not suitable for reuse so that they can be unloaded correctly at the receiving facility
  • stored in an area with weatherproof covering

Measures to protect equipment and prevent potential emissions during receipt, storage and handling

For example:

  • protecting the cooling circuit and exterior casing
  • preventing the removal of copper bullet (component) and compressor before degassing
  • checking that any organic or other contents (such as food, drink, wastes) are removed from the appliance before collection or delivery

3.2 Waste acceptance

1. You must inspect and check all WTEE on arrival for:

  • damage to the casing, for example, where the foam is exposed
  • leaks of oil and gas, including whether the cooling circuit is intact and includes a compressor

2. You must visually check inside WTEE to check for non-compliant items, for example, food, drinks or other waste that may have been left in fridges and freezers. Where possible, you should empty the WTEE of all foodstuffs and other non-compliant items before moving them to the storage area.

3.3 Waste tracking

1. You must be able to track received loads of WTEE whilst they are held on site and identify their location if required. For example:

  • preparing for reuse
  • storage (for treatment, transfer or in quarantine)
  • treatment (stage 1 degassing, stage 2 destruction)

2. Through your operating procedures and records, you must be able to demonstrate how stock rotation is managed to make sure you do not exceed limits on waste storage time and quantities.

3. If your permit restricts the types of WTEE that you can treat (for example, your stage 2 process is restricted to treating WTEE that does not contain ozone-depleting substances (ODS)), your tracking systems and procedures must be able to record and demonstrate compliance with this restriction. For example, this could be by:

  • providing training to operatives in how to identify units containing ODS
  • having a separate storage area in place for these units after degassing
  • having records to show onward transfer or treatment at an appropriately permitted facility