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7. Emission monitoring and limits appropriate measures

The additional appropriate measures for monitoring emissions from regulated facilities with an environmental permit for the treatment of WTEE.

7.1 Point source emissions to air

1. You must carry out emissions monitoring when the plant is operating at or near to full treatment capacity. You must record information on the plant treatment processing rate and air flow rate at the time of monitoring and submit this with the monitoring results.

2. You must monitor point source emissions to air from your treatment plant for the substances listed below, using the monitoring standards and frequencies stated. You must meet the relevant emission limits and comply with any other monitoring requirements or limits that are set in your environmental permit.

3. You must assess and report emissions against relevant emission limits as the average over the sampling period. This is the average value of 3 consecutive measurements of at least 30 minutes each.


Monitoring standard – follow the procedures in CEN/TS 13649.

Frequency – every 6 months.

Emission limit – 10mg/m3.

Dust (total particulate matter)

Monitoring standard – EN 13284-1.

Frequency – every 6 months.

Emission limit – 5mg/m3.

Total VOCs (volatile organic compounds)

Monitoring standard – EN 12619.

Frequency – every 6 months.

Emission limit – 15mg/m3.

Brominated flame retardants

Monitoring standard – should be adapted from BS EN 1948.

Frequency – annually if the substance is identified in emissions inventory.

Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

Monitoring standard – EN 1948-1, 2, 4.

Frequency – annually if the substance is identified in emissions inventory.

Metals (arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, manganese, nickel, lead, antimony, selenium, thallium and vanadium)

Monitoring standard – EN 14385.

Frequency – annually if the substance is identified in emissions inventory.

PCDD/F (dioxins and furans)

Monitoring standard – EN 1948-1, 2, 3.

Frequency – annually if the substance is identified in emissions inventory.

Total VOCs (VFCs and VHCs) mass emission

Monitoring standard – EN 12619.

Frequency – monthly for first 6 months of operation, then 6-monthly with written agreement from the Environment Agency.

Emission limit – 5g per 100 appliances processed, per hour. Calculate and report this on a pro-rata basis, per 100 appliances processed per hour. You must also monitor and report air flow, following standard EN 16911-1.