
Wetherby Young Offender Institution

Wetherby is a young offender institution (YOI) in Yorkshire for children and young people aged 15 to 18.

Applies to England and Wales

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Book and plan your visit to Wetherby

To visit someone in Wetherby you must:

  • be on that person’s visitor list
  • book your visit at least 2 working days in advance
  • have the the required ID with you when you go

All visits are 90 minutes long.

Contact Wetherby if you have any questions about visiting.

Help with the cost of your visit

If you get certain benefits or have an NHS health certificate, you might be able to get help with the costs of your visit, including:

  • travel
  • somewhere to stay overnight
  • meals

How to book family and friends visits

You can book your visit by calling 01937 544207. The booking line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 11:30am. Bookings must be made 48 hours in advance (weekends not included). Find out about call charges.

Visiting times:

  • Monday to Thursday evening: 5:45pm to 7:15pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: 9:30am to 11am and 2pm to 3:30pm

We run themed visits, such as grandparents, child or siblings-only visits. Email or check our Twitter page for upcoming events. You can also email to find out about the support we offer for visitors with any disabilities and or neurodiversity needs.

You can book a legal visit by emailing Bookings must be made 48 hours in advance (weekends not included)

Legal visit times:

  • Monday from 2:15pm to 3:15pm and 3:45pm to 4:45pm
  • Tuesday to Thursday from 9:15am to 10:15am and 10:45am to 11:45am

Getting to Wetherby

Find Wetherby on a map

The closest railway stations are Leeds and York, where you can catch local buses to Wetherby town centre. Wetherby YOI is a 15 minute walk from the town, or you can take a taxi.

To plan your journey by public transport:

There is a visitors car park at Wetherby, including spaces for Blue Badge holders.

Entering Wetherby

All visitors, aged 16 or older must prove their identity before entering Wetherby. Read the list of acceptable forms of ID when visiting a YOI.

All visitors are given a pat-down search, including children.

Refreshments are available from vending machines in the visits hall.

You can use a locker for any personal items that are not allowed into the visiting area. You’ll need to bring a £1 coin if you want to use a locker.

An officer will tell you the rules at the start of your visit. If you break the rules, your visit could be cancelled and you could be banned from visiting again.

Keep in touch with someone at Wetherby

You may not be able to speak to someone at Wetherby during their first few days. This is because it can take time to approve who they can contact by phone.

Young people have phones in their rooms and they will always need to call you rather than you call them. However, as a parent or carer you will be given a phone number for your young person’s caseworker (during the first week) so that you can contact them if you have concerns.

Phone calls

Every person arriving at Wetherby is given £5 credit for telephone calls each week.

A person in Wetherby can only phone you if you are named on their list of friends and family. This list is checked by security.

Young people have a phone in their rooms and are most likely to call you during their free time (‘association time’) from 6:30pm to 8pm.

You can also exchange voicemails using the Prison Voicemail service.

Officers may listen to phone calls as a way of preventing crime and helping keep people safe.

Secure video calls

To have a secure video call with someone in this YOI you need to:

  • Download the Prison Video app
  • Create an account
  • Register all visitors
  • Add the children and young people to your contact list.

How to book a secure video call

Only someone in Wetherby can request secure video calls at HMYOI Wetherby.

You will receive a notification if someone has requested a video call with you.

Read more about how it works


You can send emails to someone in Wetherby using the email a prisoner service.

You might also be able to attach photos and receive replies over email, depending on the rules at Wetherby.


Include the person’s name and prison number on the envelope.

If you do not know their prison number, contact Wetherby.

All post apart from legal letters is opened and checked by officers.

Young people in Wetherby can post 2 letters a week for free. They need to buy stamps if they want to post more than 2 letters.

Family and friends can also post extra stamps to their young person.

National Prison Radio’s Family and Friends request show

National Prison Radio broadcasts into prison cells across England and Wales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Family and friends can stay connected with their loved ones in prison by sending song requests, written messages and voice recordings. They are then read and played out on weekly episodes. 

You can send in a message, and hear the show, at

Send money and gifts

You can use the free and fast online service to send money to someone in custody.

You can no longer send money by bank transfer, cheque, postal order or send cash by post.

If you cannot use the online service, you may be able to apply for an exemption - for example if you:

  • are unable to use a computer, a smart phone or the internet
  • do not have a debit card

This will allow you to send money by post.

Gifts and parcels

Each young person is given a list of approved items that can be sent to them as gifts.

Approved items might include:

  • clothing (no logos of sports teams, hoods)
  • footwear (no air pockets in the sole)
  • sealed CDs and DVDs
  • books

Friends and families of children and young people in custody are permitted to send books directly to their loved ones, or can order books from approved retailers, which can source and send the books on to them.   For the full list of approved retailers, you can read the HMPPS Incentives Policy, Annex F.

Contact Wetherby for more information on the gifts that are allowed.

All parcels will be opened and checked by officers.

Life at Wetherby

Wetherby is committed to providing a safe, decent and educational environment where young people are encouraged and cared for by professional staff.

Security and safeguarding

Every young person at Wetherby has a right to feel safe. The staff at Wetherby are responsible for their safeguarding and welfare at all times.

For further information about what to do when you are worried or concerned about someone in custody visit the Prisoners’ Families helpline website.

Arrival and first night

Every young person who comes to Wetherby is searched for things they are not allowed, such as tobacco or mobile phones.

They will be able to contact a family members by phone - usually the person on record as their ‘next of kin’. This could be quite late in the evening, depending on the time they arrive.

The young person will be given:

  • clothes (including shoes, socks and underwear)
  • a toothbrush and toothpaste
  • shower gel and shampoo
  • bedding
  • a cup, bowl and plate

They’ll get to speak to a ‘first night officer’ who’ll ask them:

  • how they are feeling
  • how they are coping with being in custody
  • if there is anything the Wetherby should know about, such as medication they need or any worries they have

The young person will be given a personal officer and a secondary personal officer.

The personal officer will be the young person’s main point of contact for questions and problems. They can also ask other members of staff if they need anything.


Each young person who arrives at Wetherby gets an induction that lasts about a week. They will meet professionals who will help them with:

  • health and wellbeing, including mental and sexual health
  • any substance misuse issues, including drugs and alcohol
  • personal development in custody and on release, including skills, education and training
  • other support (sometimes called ‘interventions’), such as managing difficult emotions

Everyone also finds out about the rules, fire safety, and how things like calls and visits work.

Each young person is given a caseworker who will help them make the most of opportunities in custody, so that their experience is positive. The caseworker will be in touch with the young person’s youth offending team (YOT) worker and family during their time in custody


Around 300 young people live at Wetherby and everyone gets their own room.

There are 8 units:

  • Benbow - currently closed for refurbishment
  • Collingwood - where young people spend their first night and induction period
  • Anson
  • Drake - where most young people on the ‘Gold’ behaviour level live
  • Exmouth
  • Frobisher
  • Keppel - our enhanced support unit
  • Napier

Once the induction is complete, the young person’s progress will be assessed and they will move into one of the residential units.


Every week the young person’s progress is assessed. This includes how they have treated others and whether they have attended education.

The 3 levels of behaviour are:

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Red

Young people at Gold level can earn extra rewards and privileges, including more money and extra free time.

Free time

Free time is called ‘association’ and takes place between 6.30pm and 8pm, Monday to Friday. There is extra association time at the weekend.

The young person can use this time to:

  • socialise
  • shower
  • play games like table tennis
  • make phone calls

Young people get at least 30 minutes outside every day (depending on the weather or any exceptional circumstances). This is normally around 4:30pm to 6pm on weekdays and a little earlier at the weekend.

Faith services

A large number of volunteers work with the chaplaincy at Wetherby to give young people access to a range of religious services and faith rooms.


Every young person gets 21 hours of education a week. This is provided by a teaching organisation called Novus.

This consists of 15 hours of core education in maths, English, IT and PSHE, as well as 6 hours of vocational courses, which include horticulture, art, music, barbering, catering and barista training.

We encourage all children to progress their educational journey through exams, which can include taking GCSEs and A levels.

Every child has a slot in their timetable to attend the fully equipped library, which provides reading materials, including newspapers and magazines for all abilities.

NOVUS have dedicated staff to help children who struggle in the education setting, including providing one-to-one support where needed. NOVUS also have staff who help children find college places or apprenticeships as they approach their release. The children may also have the opportunity to work in the community during their sentence.

Earning money

Young people in Wetherby can earn up to £15 a week by taking part in education and by earning bonus payments. They can choose to save this money or spend it on a weekly basis to buy toiletries, phone credit and snacks.

Spending money

The amount someone has available to spend each week is printed on their canteen sheet. They can order things like extra food, phone credit and stamps using this sheet.

Certain items, such as stereos, can be bought through an Argos catalogue in their unit.

Organisations Wetherby works with

Wetherby works closely with children’s charity Barnardo’s and with In2Out who help young people aged 15 to 21 reach their potential when leaving custody.

Support for family and friends

Find out about advice and helplines for family and friends.

Concerns, problems and complaints

In an emergency

Call 01937 544 200 if you think a children or young person in custody is at immediate risk of harm. Ask for the Orderly Officer and explain that your concern is an emergency.

Contact category Phone number Additional information
Non-emergency 0800 496 1003 Call this number if you have concerns about a children or young person’s safety or wellbeing which are serious but not life-threatening or complete a safer custody contact form on the Prisoners’ Families Helpline website.
Staff Integrity Hotline 0800 917 6877
(24 hours answering machine)
This number can be called anonymously. If you are concerned about a children or young person being bullied by a member of staff, you can use this number. As this line is managed separately from the YOI, you can call this number anonymously.
Prisoners’ Families Helpline 0808 808 2003 The Prisoners’ Families Helpline can provide confidential support, advice and guidance.
Unwanted Prisoner Contact 0300 060 6699 If a children or young person in custody is contacting you and you want them to stop, you can use the Unwanted Prisoner Contact Service.

You can complete the Stop prisoner contact online form, email or contact by phone.

HM Prison and Probation Service publishes action plans for Wetherby in response to independent inspections.

If you have a problem contact Wetherby.

Contact Wetherby

Governor: Mark Scott

General enquiries: 01937 544 200
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Out of hours (ask for the duty governor): 01937 544 211 (24 hours)
Fax: 01937 544 201
Find out about call charges


HMYOI Wetherby
York Road
West Yorkshire
LS22 5ED

See map

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Updates to this page

Published 23 May 2019
Last updated 17 March 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added link to the National Prison Radio (NPR) request show for family and friends, under the 'Keep in touch with someone' section.

  2. Updated time slots for family and friends visits (Monday to Thursday) and legal visits.

  3. Added link to latest inspection report and action plan.

  4. Visiting times and education sections updated.

  5. Updated legal visits and legal video visits information and time slots.

  6. Updated visiting information

  7. Updated visiting guidance based on 1 April COVID rule changes

  8. Added link to new safer custody information under Security and safeguarding.

  9. Updated visiting information: Testing for visitors aged 12 and over.

  10. Updated physical contact guidance

  11. Added link to information about testing for physical contact at visits.

  12. Updated visiting information in line with coronavirus restrictions

  13. Updated visiting information

  14. Updated visiting information in line with new local restriction tiers.

  15. Updated visiting information in line with new local restriction tiers.

  16. Updated visiting information in line with new national restrictions in England.

  17. Updated: HMP Wetherby visiting times visits information.

  18. Updated information to include confirmation of secure video calls being available at this prison.

  19. Prison visits update.

  20. Added action plan and link to latest inspection report for Wetherby and Keppel YOI.

  21. Added professional visiting times.

  22. First published.

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