Zika virus (ZIKV): clinical and travel guidance
Travel and clinical advice on Zika: assessing pregnant women following travel; epidemiology; symptoms; transmission.
Zika is a mosquito-borne infection caused by Zika virus, a member of the genus flavivirus and family Flaviviridae. Zika virus was first isolated from a monkey in the Zika forest in Uganda in 1947.
Following the 2015 to 2016 outbreak in the Americas and Caribbean, Zika virus is now thought to be endemic in this region as well as in much of Africa and Asia.
Latest updates
Travellers should use the country information pages on the NaTHNaC website for up-to-date and detailed advice for those travelling to countries or areas affected by Zika virus. Information is found in the ‘other risks’ section for affected areas.
For further advice regarding:
- travel, see current NaTHNaC advice
- assessment of pregnant women following travel, see algorithm
- laboratory diagnosis, see sample testing advice
- those working in primary care, see primary care guidance
- deferral of blood donation, see JPAC statement
- fertility treatment and gamete donation, see HFEA website
- Zika virus for the public, see NHS.UK
Epidemiology and cases diagnosed in the UK
Symptoms and complications
Preventing infection by sexual transmission
Travel advice
Information and advice for travellers on the risk of Zika are available from the country information pages on the NaTHNaC website. Information is found in the ‘other risks’ section for affected areas.
Zika and pregnancy
Guidance for primary care and clinicians has been jointly developed by PHE, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Royal College of Midwives, and Health Protection Scotland.
Zika virus infection may present an increased risk for certain groups of the population, particularly pregnant women. Specific travel advice for women planning pregnancy or who are currently pregnant is available.
Neonatologist guidance
Immunocompromised patients
Laboratory diagnosis
UK risk assessment
If a person acquires Zika abroad and becomes ill on their return to the UK, any public health risk to the wider population is negligible, as the mosquito that transmits the virus is not found in the UK.
UK mosquito surveillance
Updates to this page
Amended latest updates and travel advice sections.
Updated with the latest guidance.
Added update on the process to review Zika recommendations for travellers.
Updated to reflect changes in travel and sexual transmission advice and revised Zika virus risk ratings.
Updated UK case numbers.
Latest update to UK case numbers
Added statement about Zika virus country classifications.
Update to UK case numbers, and update to laboratory testing advice
Latest update to UK case numbers.
Sexual transmission advice algorithm added.
Latest updates to country specific risks
Latest update to UK case numbers.
Latest update to UK cases.
Latest update to country specific risks
Latest updates to sexual transmission advice, primary care guidance, travel advice, UK case numbers and laboratory diagnosis.
Updated UK imported case totals.
Updated country specific Zika risk.
Updated country specific Zika risk.
Latest update to UK imported case totals.
Updated country specific Zika risk.
Updated country specific Zika risk.
Updated UK imported case totals.
Latest update to country specific risk
Latest update to UK case numbers.
Latest update to sexual transmission advice.
Latest updates to UK cases and country specific risks page.
Latest update to country specific risks page.
Latest update to UK case numbers.
Latest update to country risks page.
Latest update to UK case numbers.
Updated UK imported case numbers.
Updated country risks page.
Updated UK case numbers.
Updates to country specific risks.
Update to Country specific risks page
Latest updates: UK case numbers
Latest update to country specific risks page.
UK imported cases updated.
Added latest update to Zika in pregnancy
Added latest updates to UK imported cases and country specific risks.
Added information on UK mosquito surveillance.
Revised: sample testing advice, guidance in pregnancy, for primary care and neonatologists.
First published.