Help someone with their benefit claim
Manage someone's claim for them
You can manage someone’s claim for them if you have ‘written authority’. This includes:
- having a lasting power of attorney (LPA) or an enduring power of attorney (EPA) for the person claiming benefits
- being a deputy for the person claiming benefits
- being an appointee for the person claiming benefits
You can help them with any type of benefit claim. You’ll be able to do things like appealing a decision on their behalf or ending their claim.
If you do not have written authority
You can still manage a claim by calling the helpline for the benefit. The person claiming the benefit will need to be with you when you call to complete security checks and agree to any decisions.
Which helpline you use depends on the benefit. For:
- Universal Credit - contact the Universal Credit helpline
- Attendance Allowance - contact the Attendance Allowance helpline at the Disability Service Centre
- Disability Living Allowance - contact the Disability Living Allowance helpline at the Disability Service Centre
- State Pension - contact the Pension Service
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - contact the PIP enquiry line
- Child Benefit - contact the Child Benefit enquiries line
- tax credits - contact the tax credits general enquiries line
- all other benefits - contact Jobcentre Plus