AWRS70000 - Revocation: contents
AWRS70100Revocation of approval overview
AWRS70200Revocation audit trails and governance
AWRS70300Right of Appeal
AWRS70400Powers To Revoke An Approval
AWRS70500Reasons for revocation of an approval
AWRS70600Revocation because of a lack of credibility or commercial viability
AWRS70700Issuing warning and minded to revoke letters
AWRS70800Warning letters
AWRS70900Minded to revoke letters
AWRS71000Period of notice prior to revocation
AWRS71100Conditions during period of notice prior to revocation
AWRS71200Detail required in a letter notifying a period of notice prior to revocation
AWRS71300Notifying revocation decisions
AWRS71400After the period of notice has expired
AWRS80000Wholesaler notifies they have ceased to trade