ATACPD04000 - ATA carnet procedures: contents
Note: This manual is under review and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.
ATACPD04050Issue of EU ATA carnets
ATACPD04100Eligibility to use an ATA carnet
ATACPD04150Import/export licensing controls, prohibitions and restrictions
ATACPD04200Endangered species of wild fauna and flora
ATACPD04250Customs duty refunds
ATACPD04300Postal export/import
ATACPD04350Format of the ATA carnet: contents
ATACPD04400Period of validity of a carnet
ATACPD04450Extending the period of validity
ATACPD04500Substitute ATA carnets
ATACPD04650Certificates of location
ATACPD04700Animals born of animals under an ATA carnet
ATACPD04750Un-resourced or partially resourced export/import stations
ATACPD04900Import/re-import CPC
ATACPD04975Retrospective export entries