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ATACPD16000 - Certificate of location letters

Note: This manual is under review and is likely to be withdrawn. If there is anything within this manual you use regularly, please email to let us know. Please check the other guidance available on GOV.UK from HMRC.

{#IDAJOHMH}Letter for certificate of location

The following draft certificate of location should be completed only in respect of goods you see. Upon completion, it can be given to the carnet holder or it may be forwarded to the National Carnet Unit (NCU) if applicable.

Certificate of location letter

This letter should be completed only in respect of goods you see.

The name and address of the enquirer

Carnet serial number …………………………………..

Date of issue ……………………………………………

Your enquiry of dd/mm/yy refers.

On dd/mm/yy I visited* (insert name and address of carnet holder/establishment visited).

I can confirm that the following goods ** were examined by me and l am satisfied that they are the goods entered on the general list.

(insert list of goods inspected)

Yours faithfully

* If the carnet holder visits the office, please amend accordingly

** if a sample was inspected please note this in the letter

{#IDA0QHMH}Certificate of location cannot be issued

If you cannot issue a certificate of location you should write to the carnet holder to inform them of this fact. A draft letter is available as a template.

Your request for a certificate of location dated dd/mm/yyyy in respect of ATA carnet serial number ………………………………………refers.

I visited you at the above address on …………………………….

As the items were not available for inspection I cannot issue a certificate of location for the items listed below/in the attached annex /listed on the carnet

I can confirm that I saw ………… however a decision on whether or not to accept this as evidence of re-importation lies with the customs territory of temporary import.

Yours faithfully